Thursday, October 11, 2018

What An Ugly Day Out! Oh yeah! [Updated]

Look at this cat! Why the heck wouldn't she just get under my blankets away from the light, instead of cramming her face into the corner of the chair to keep it out??.... Cats are such strange ones

As I say, 'I thought I was ugly until I stepped outside'!

Rained from last night and has barely stopped. Temperatures been no higher than +10.

But compared to what happened down south where the hurricane hit... Man, talk about decimation, that hurricane tore that coast up! Places flattened...
And this, this is the most ridiculous thing, I was watching coverage of the hurricane and one of the anchors commented that most of the areas along the coast had been wiped out by a major hurricane back in the '30's and I think maybe it was the 50's. And since that time the places population and housing had swelled like 70%..... So....

This place, along the coasts had been "wiped out"... Yet people still chose to inhabit those coastal areas... Should there be some laws to stop this from happening? I mean, either way hurricanes are gonna happen. What did these people think, "Well, those hurricanes happened decades ago, there haven't been any real major ones, so I guess it's safe to be here!"..... But I guess it's somewhat the same as earthquakes and coastlines. Since the dawn of civilization people have lived along coasts and waterways because it has food and water, but, these areas flood, tsunami's happen.... What can ya do eh?

Saturdays the big day! Pretty excited about it. Kinda wish we coulda got in a practice this week but Jake works nights so it was out of the question... We'll do fine, I just don't mind getting in a rehearsal a couple days before a show. I don't know about the guys, but a week before we play, I kinda live and breath our music. When I get up and get ready, shower, I'm listening to our songs, using a playlist that's in order of our setlist. At night when I'm getting ready for bed, same thing, listening to the songs... When I go for a walk, listening to our stuff... Glen, our drummer says, "If we don't know the songs by now...".... But for me it's not about knowing them, it's about being confident, KNOWING with every fibre that you know the songs inside and out, forward and backwards. In Dreamkick we practiced the songs until we were blue in the face. No matter how well we knew them, we'd practice them faster than we play live and slower, we'd try anything to get the music into our souls.

It's gonna be cold Saturday, but at least it's supposed to be nice out. Hoping a lot of people make it out for the show. I know Donnie's gonna be proud and I hope his kid's will too.