Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Resounding Success

Heyyyyy looks like someone got it into their thick skull to sleep some place where it's dark over cramming their face into the corner of something....

[Another update]: Global news coverage:

[Update - Nancy just sent me this link: ] - Albeit Peter did only two songs, the rocked the place hard and he said some great words

I'll probably be adding onto this entry as I begin to recall things I wanted to say about last night.
I have to say that nearly everyone you talked to spoke of some story, time, moment they had with Donnie. I know people say it of just everyone of their friends, but Donnie really was a great guy.

Oh and they had multiple camera's there last night and captured the audio on the board and by the sounds of it they are going to be editing it into a DVD and I'm not sure, maybe the bands can choose their 'best' tracks and put them out as single to send more money to Donnie's son's trust accounts.

Well what a day and night. I don't even know where to start.

We had a great set, was awesome to have Ray join us on stage. The event was amazing, every single band was tight and sounded perfect. Seriously, I was there for just about every band, I think I only missed two bands..... I always, always feel bad for having to bow out early, but I had been there from the start of the show and although I told myself not to let loose in our set because I'd pay for it... I can't help it. I can't... It's impossible to be on stage and not let it take possession of your soul... Maybe for others, but not for me. Music moves me.... Even genres I dislike....

A couple of years ago I remember driving with Ciaron and Grant from Neighbourhood Watch and Ciaron's a big Reggae fan and that's one genre of music I thoroughly dislike, Ska and Reggae I have no use for, but as we're driving along I couldn't help but be moving to the beat, either by taping my feet or keeping time with my hands, I cursed Ciaron for it lol... Music movies me, it always has and always will.

Again our set was really really good, I even sounded better than I thought I would... The stage sound was excellent. The guys did amazing, Ray had a great time. Here's some photo's courtesy of our bassist's wife, Kate Taylor:

We didn't have the biggest of crowds, but that was kinda part of my strategy. I wanted to play early because I didn't know how long I'd last through the day and I had wanted to be there for my cousin Todd Obe's band and also to see my good friend Scott Wild's band 'Brass Knuckle Heads play. We had a great little crowd and Donnie's ex wife Melissa and the boys were in the audience. So that was an honor to play for them.

Now, the rest of the day and evening.... Unbelievable the people who showed up. People I had not seen in over 25 years. Everyone was blown away by who came out of the woodwork to come and be part of a celebration of Donnie's life in music.
It did occur to me and I'm so glad it did, all the members of Dreamkick, except Mike Dunn were there.
Pat who's usually always playing actually wasn't playing in a band last night, but Peter Gillies did a two song set and Doug Gibbon's band 'The South Bound Sinners' played.... So I said to Nancy, 'We've GOT to get a picture of the Dreamkick guys together, it's rare we're actually all in the same place... So I managed to round everyone up and we went out back of the club for a couple of shots, which turned into a photo shoot with around 5-6  capturing the moment. I have to admit there was a couple of moments where I almost broke down, to see all of my friends together like this was absolutely moving. As it was mentioned several times that evening, it's sad that it takes something like this tragedy to bring us all out together and we should do it more often than when someone passes on.
Here's a couple of photo's courtesy of Nancy Brown, I'm sure some more will surface.

Even freakin Bradley Palmer showed up! And again, every band was absolutely giving it. The stage gear was top notch and everyone played it like they owned it. 

Talking to Larry Hall, one of the benefits organizers, they just about made their goal of ten grand. There were no incidents, no egos, no primadonnas, but excellent musicianship abound.

Once I get some more photo's I'll post 'em up.

There were some interesting moments. While outside talking with Peter Gillies (bassist for Dreamkick), a guy was talking to us about the Dreamkick years... It's flattering, it's humbling when someone is telling you that Dreamkick was the best Rock'n'Roll/Metal band the area had scene. But this guy had a question for us and he kinda said it like it was a secret, like not many people knew and he asked Peter and I, "Were you guys signed?", at first I wasn't too sure what he had asked and said, 'What's that?' and he said again, "Were you guys signed... to a label?" and Peter and I looked at each other, 'Nope we both said,'... Never heard that rumor about us before, heard all kinds of other's lol...

There were a lot of the old Dreamkick crowd there and a lot of Wasteland Zombies fans too, a lot of them sad they missed us play, but not everyone of course could get there for our set at 5PM.

Both Dreamkick and WZ friend Chris Galbraith was there with his son and it was his son's first live 'Rock show. I'm not sure how old he is... 10ish? But he had a blast, Chris is almost always around for these kinds of events and is a great photographer. So he'll have some pictures coming sooner or later as well.

Another interesting conversation was with Daniel Monteith. I love the Monteith guys. truly great musicians, they have a refreshing and voracious drive for music. I've tried any chance I could to help them and to spread word about their band.
Daniel was saying, "Chris, you know, sometimes my Brother and I sit and talk, debate stuff and you actually come up quite a lot, I guess it's the integrity you have, you know, we feel like there should be the 'Chris Waddell award'" lol... Daniel's awesome and it was great to see him. I had not seen so many of the the local musicians because I'd not been part of the scene for a good year.
I wish I had had that integrity back in the day, I'm sure I had the drive, I'm sure I had the ego, but integrity is something that comes with experience and we had some great experiences, but it takes time. I feel bad these days because I can't do more for the scene... But in some ways it seems that this scene peaked maybe a year or so ago and is now heading into or in a lull and it'll come back, it just goes in cycles. I think this last cycle made great strides in lashing out as far as it could. Showing people that there's real fucking talent in this province and city. Tim Rayne's 'The Capital Project', Jay Chetwyns 'Maritime Metal 'fest' has allowed local bands to reach out into scenes they may never have thought of or thought they could get to.

But anyhow, back to the Rock For Donnie benefit. I'm so glad we were able to be part of it. It was a moment, a moment in time and one of history for our scene that I think people will be talking about for a long time.
Again, we're truly thankful to have been part of it.


  1. Glad it was a success.
    You guys look great BTW...must be the music !

    1. Thanks Kim. everyone's doing well too. While nothing official, I feel we're the closest we've been yet to a reunion.

  2. Had to open up chrome to comment, but WELL FUCKING DONE MAN. So glad you had a blast, got caught up with old friends, and let your rock shine. You are an awesome person Chris, and I'm VERY glad to have met you, even if just online. Someday we'll hang out together and shoot the shit. :-)

    1. hehehe Thanks Larry! Hopefully we'll have some video for you and Kathy to check out sooner than later. And yeah hopefully someday i'll get over to Northern Cali to see ya's!

  3. Replies
    1. Abso-freakin-lutely! Hopefully we can do it all again next year!
