Monday, October 29, 2018

BUDDY! May be the last 'Buddy' video for 2018

After coming back into town and then heading back out of town with Dad, the last couple of days that I was around, Buddy would appear, but he'd completely avoid me at all cost, even just dashing off in the other direction when I called to him. I thought maybe chipmunks have very short memories and the week or so I'd been gone, I'd been erased from his memory banks.

But then today I was out back cleaning up and putting away Summer stuff and Buddy appeared.
Since this whole chipmunk experiment began I've always put some peanuts or sun flower seeds in my pocket, because who knows when I'd run into one of the critters.
I have not seen ANY other chipmunks around other than Buddy and today, he finally came back to me.
It was a good encounter with Buddy climbing onto my hand and letting me pet his back.

It's been a great visit with Dad. He's heading out of town tomorrow. Tonight we're back out to dinner. LOL it's been a while since I've eaten out this much. Last night I had the first burger I've had in probably, jeez 4/5 months, which isn't a bad thing. I eat, but I don't usually eat as much as a great restaurant serves up, but anyhow... Yeah, it's been great to see Daddyo. He got a photo of us all last night in Saint John with Linda, Bob, Joan and damn it, I always forget Joan's husband's name Gord and Crystal joined us as well... It's not a 'usual' name... So it slips me brain! But they are all old childhood friends of Dad's.
He grew up on the Kingston Peninsula and we've seen or I have at least a lot of the places Dad spent as a kid, which was really cool.

So, last night just as Dad and I get on the highway to head back home. I get a text from Gordie. It says he got a text from Scott and something is very very wrong and we must contact him urgently...

'Oh no!' I'm thinking, 'What could have happened?' Dad's partner Riet is currently on a cruise over seas, hopefully it's not that.. Then my cell rings and it's Gordie. He's saying that Scott has seen on Twitter that there's a house fire on Regent st. in Fredericton and it appears to be THE house or close to the 'Air B'n'B' That Dad's been renting for his stay..... I'm like, 'Oh shit!' So, after we get a hold of Scott and he's checking out some of the houses on Regent and of course the house number, we find out that it is NOT the place Dad is staying at. 'PHEW'!
It turned out that the place that burned is one of the 3 'crack houses' that have sprung up at the bottom of Regent st. Good riddance! And FUCK the landlord of those places for leaving them so derelict that the only people who'd rent them are scumbag meth-heads.

Anyhow, gotta get ready, Daddyo will be here soon.

Enjoy the vid!


  1. Awesome video. Thanks for posting it. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah it was kinda scary there for a minute, I mean Dad didn't have a lot with him in that room, but still, it's his stuff. Rather a crack den burn than anything with Dad's stuff in it!

    2. That was awesome for a second there I thought he was rejecting the last seed LOL but no they took them all down the hole for the winter. Interesting that it turned out to be a crack Shack crazy good thing it wasn't dads. Not dad's crack Shack but you know what I mean LOL check out crystals Facebook she posted a cat video that Jacob mate using tick tock. I guess it's the new Vine I don't know I'm so out of date.
