Wednesday, October 31, 2018

'The Mummer's Dance' SOMETIMES associated with Halloween

'Mummers' or Folk plays made their way from the British Isles to the new colonies and histories as far back as 1296.

I've always been captivated by Canadian Celt musician Loreena McKennitt 'The Mummer's Dance', the video has a very Fall like feel to it, despite the lyrics in places talking about the Spring.
I love these kind of historic weird traditions. The fucking catholics mashed so much of this under their feet, burnt by the millions across Europe for not cowing down to their 'god'... I spit on their christian cross.... lol, damn it, now I'm pissed off about christians and the ages of fear, death and oppression they wreaked across the planet...
It sucks because I love the 'Gothic' architecture of many a church and I'd be pissed to see them burnt to the ground, yet I can sympathize with the Nordic Black Metalers who burnt down many a church...

Fiends and Spooks - The Mummer's Dance -

Double Fright Bonus:

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