Wednesday, October 17, 2018

It's A Green New World

Before we begin, some 'breaking news' from the music World:
Tobias Forge, the genius behind the band 'Ghost' has just had the lawsuit launched against him by former band mates or really, employees, dismissed!
Former 'Nameless Ghouls' as they are called, each band member, up until this lawsuit nastiness came down, were completely unknown to the outside World. So in the court case, several of the 'Nameless Ghouls' sued Mr. Forge AKA Papa Emeritus aka Father Copia, saying that they are owed royalties and other payments by Mr. Forge. Mr. Forge has maintained that these 'Nameless Ghouls' were nothing more than 'hired guns', hired musicians for studio and touring work. Albeit that some of the Ghouls did contribute to song writing (and according to legal documents I've read) were paid accordingly.
It's great that 'Ghosts' whirlwind climb of success won't be delayed or tarnished by some guys who just thought because the band blew up really well, that they deserved more.
We'll start off with Ghosts 'See The Light' a song on the new album 'Prequelle' that I believe was aimed at these former band employees and about the upcoming case against Tobias... That's what I get from the lyrics....

Man, I was hoping to turn on the news this morning and see the news anchors completely fucking high out of their trees laughing until they soiled themselves! (Don't worry, no one actually soils themselves in this video.... That I know of....)

I don't see this as a big change. Sure I guess you don't have to worry about transporting a bit of pot around with you. Does it have to be locked in the trunk? Are joints considered open ...drugs? (Like open liquor)...
I don't drive so it doesn't matter to me, any of the "impaired driving" rules. And in my opinion the current "law" and device will be thrown into court and it will be defeated and they will have to find a better way to 'test for high and driving'.
Currently, if a person who let's say just now smokes on the weekend, like having a couple beers... So this person smokes 1 joint Friday night. By Saturday morning, that person is no longer under the 'influence' of the marijuana BUT in a blood test THC will more than likely show up in the blood, everyone is completely different on how they absorb and expunge foreign bodys from our bodies. So you'd probably get a $1000 fine and be 'sober as a judge'. So I believe this will be one of the first 'laws' to be quashed in the courts.

So I get my medicinal marijuana  for free from a compassionate source. The government cannot offer that. So that it's legal to me is like, 'well, maybe a small percentage of people who didn't smoke before now will'... But I think for the rest will be the status quo.... I don't believe that ALL growers are related to organized crime and there are lots of growers out there growing for their own needs but more importantly, usually helping out someone who can't afford the now legal marijuana.

It would be sane to think that right now behind the doors there are insurance companies and lawyers figuring out what this means for them. Because marijuana, unlike booze, can be 'consumed' in a variety of ways, everything from smoking, to eating to sprays, salves... But it's ALSO, medicinal... So this 'product' that's now legal, how do you cross over between what's medicinal and should be covered by government or insurance companies?

May You Live In Interesting Times.

Cheers and be responsible with your pot!

Oh! A spooky N|EW video from GHOST!

And a recent release from Behemoth's 'I Love You At Your Darkest'

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