Thursday, October 25, 2018

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig

Ahh so nice to be home. A week or more away of course you miss your own bed, your own stuff and of course your crazy cat!
Elsa's so happy to see me and each time I come home from away she's always a bit more vocal... I think she vocalizes to see if I'll answer. She had just come up from her litter box and let out a big Meowwww... and I said to her, 'Ya don't have to yell, I'm back, it's all good'.... And then I get the 'look'... I'm sure we'll be back to the 'fight hour' before bed tonight.

Dad's on his way, will be great to see him for a few days.

Can't believe it... When I left here it was all green, there were green vines all over the back fence and in just a week or so, it's all gone (at least there's no snow here, was some along the way home and up the hill).... All the vines are stripped of their leaves, the trees are bare.... Winter is coming.... FAST..

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