Thursday, October 18, 2018

Oh Yeah! And ...... Flurries

yah yeah, Flurries, they called for them and it's happening. Strong gusts of wind and yep definitely flurries.... Is this going to be an 'early and severe' Winter?.... One can hope not but brace yourself anyhow!
We got a long 5 months ahead of us (I'm counting November in 'Winter')... Git yer Winter tires on, grab bags of salt and sand and some great shovels... Get that snowblower primed up! Jeez, I'm starting to sound like 'Frankie the weather dude'!

Short chipmunk video. I was in the kitchen and happened to look out the window and see a chipmunk out sitting on the fence, just by the garage.... I always find it odd they'll sit on the fence, there's not much coverage from any high flying predators just lookin for a chipmunk sandwich... So I wanted to get a good picture of it sitting up there so I grabbed my DSLR and headed out.... Sorry, I had the 'optical zoom' on as I wanted to get a really nice clear shot of the chipmunk... When I got there....

I'm suspecting soon the little ones will be heading to sleep for the Winter... Albeit, they don't completely hibernate, but they do 'wake' up every so often to eat, go to the can, watch some TV...
Will be interesting to see who's alive and around come Spring.

Alright, back to cursing the sky for dropping white shit!

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