Sunday, October 7, 2018

That's It!

Last practice tonight went great! We're ready as we'll ever be, this is for Donnie so we'll do our very best to rock it as hard as we possibly can!
NEXT Saturday, Oct 13th, 12 bands, 12 hours.
It's gonna be a fantastic day. So many of the area's best musicians coming together. I know we'll make Donnie & Bobbie proud and we'll hopefully raise some greats funds for Donnie's kids.

You can get one of these kick ass 'Rock For Donnie' T's at Long & McQuade on Prospect St.
They are going super fast! So get 'em while ya can! Rumor has it there MAY be more available at the show... But don't wait until then!

We've got a special surprise when we play... I MIGHT be able to keep the secret for the week... We'll see...
Here's the line up and times bands are playing. - ALL AGES from 2-6PM!
2pm Mad Mary
3pm Vinyl Tap
4pm Brass Knucklehead
5pm Wasteland Zombies
6pm Southbound Sinnerz - All Ages Ends at 6PM!
7pm Brother
7:30 Pete Gillies/Ryan Munn
8pm Appetite 4 Destruct
9pm Run for your lives
11pm Awake By Sunday
12am Hero’s Last Rite

Here's some pix from tonight's rehearsal.... Yes, even a horrible photo of me...

In other news....

Still no sign of buddy today.. Think he's gone... And his 'brother' freakin bit me today. It wasn't out of defence... I just figure that to chipmunks sometimes our fingers look like big juicy morsels of food... And Buddy had 'bit' me before, but this little fucker CHOMPED onto my finger... Just about broke the skin... So I've dubbed Buddy's brother 'Chompy'... I think they are just a little wound up because they are in full on food hunt mode. They gotta supply up! Winter is coming....

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