Friday, October 12, 2018

Got The Pre Show 'Heebees'

Not 'Heebeejeebees', because I'm not nervous, I'm excited. Although I do end up taking what I call 'The nervous shit'..also know by me as, 'The pre-show shit'... Too much info? If yer a musician, you know what I'm talking about! Or maybe you've had to speak in front of a ton of people. Stomach goes to knots, maybe a day, maybe an hour or two before you have to be onstage.

And I love this, this is what I always have wanted to do is be on stage, maybe wish I had my pre-arthritis body, to really be able to put on a show but I'll work with what I got. It's all painful, standing still, banging my head, moving to the music, but this is totally worth it and this show in particular. It's sad we  have to do this for our friend, but more than ever he needs our help and we're going to give it to him, in spades. 12 hours of it. I really hope you, the reader, obviously if you're in  the Fredericton area, should come help, Rock out and be among the best of friends.

And we got, what I think is a great surprise for long time friends and 'fans' of the band. I'm really, looking forward to this. Can you tell?

No pix, but just spent some time with 'Buddy', seeing as we were so rudely interrupted by that damn tree rat! Fucking tree rats!
It's amazing when you pet them, they feel so delicate, like they are made of nothing, but that's probably why the can move so quickly and when you watch them, they sometimes move in spurts, like abrupt starts and stops, almost looks like they are teleporting (Oh come on! The 'spell checker' isn't recognizing 'teleporting' as a word...)
Anyhow, it's good to see my most tame (and I think appreciative) 'munk is back.
He looks like a cross between a baby chick and a chipmunk....

This is a great love story and it's not often I talk about maternity photo's!... 
This guy wanted to get a beautiful Fall live, pumpkin patch shoot with his beloved and his soon to be born child....

Ahhhh that's just truly truly awesome.

This Nanaimo couple, well the gentleman Todd wanted to pay homage to Ridely Scott's 'Alien', obviously the most famous scene in the movie. That's a great sense of humor there. 

Next blog will be post show! (Oh rumor has it they may be making a 'DVD' of this show).

Have a great Friday night peeps.

And just the reminder, benefit starts at 2 with Mad Mary (my cousin Todd Aube plays bass and they are fantastic!). We play at 6 and LOADS of great bands before and after us, some one time and first reunions there!

Oh jkeez, this happened last night... Again with burrying the face... Just go some place dark in the house!

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