Thursday, November 15, 2018

Some Visitors Today...

I figured that Buddy and his friends and fam are all hibernating or 'deep sleeping' as they do wake up on and off through the Winter... Question is... Was this early blast of Winter the end of them? Hopefully Buddy is down there on his bed of peanuts...

My friend Nancy says I've been mean to the squirrels that were around this Summer. Several times that one infernal tree rat would try to impress me by 'walking like a huemahn'.. But it didn't impress shit!
So I yelled at the squirrels, squirted them with water, threw pine cones at them... Which they'd just think I was throwing them food and they'd chase after them...\
[Explanation here: I just don't randomly hate these squirrels... I didn't just yell at them and throw things are them because I'm a mean tree rat hatin' bastid... No, these squirrels 'bullied' my chipmunk friends, chasing them off and the biggest one, was trying to dig into the yard and get at Buddy's stash, I don't know if ya's remember it, but yeah, one of the buggers dug up the yard trying to dig it's way down into Buddy's den... THAT's where the 'tree rat animosity' comes from!]

Once the cold weather set in and the snow hit the ground and the ground certainly feels frozen, I thought, 'Ok, I got some peanuts left, I'll toss 'em to the stupid squirrels if I see them around'....

So this morning, I was getting ready and saw out my kitchen window that one of my nemeses was out on the fence, watching me in the kitchen window.... Creepy bastard....

So I threw on my boots and grabbed my nuts (HA!) Or I could have said, 'grabbed my bag of nuts'!! and went out and threw the peanuts about for the stupid tree rats... It just looked at me from the fence, then looked at the ground, looked at me, looked at the ground, looked at me, looked at the ground.... So I thought, 'ok, if you're too stupid to figure this out, fuck you' and walked back into my apartment....

Maybe about 20 minutes later as I was getting ready to go out and do some errands, I thought I saw something grey (gray) and bushy on the rail of my steps.... So i went over to my door and this is what I see....

Fucking tree rats....

Had the worst stomach ache in a long long time today... I infrequently get gut pains and have always wondered when my gut would give out on me from all the meds I've taken over near 18 years... About a decade ago I asked my then rheumatologist what exactly we do when my stomach won't handle pills anymore and she just said, "Well cross that bridge when we get there".... So.... no plan then...

Anyhow, this pain today would like ramp up, like a crescendo until I could just about not bare it anymore, then it would subside and this repeated all day. I had set out to get a proper shovel, the one I bought from the 'Dollarstore', well, at $3 I should have known better.. I mean, it's a kids shovel, but I thought at least it would be strong enough just to clear snow off my steps... Barely, I could feel it could break any time.
Anyhow, I set out, guts churning, and ended up just going to Sobey's and back and while at Sobey's I had to get some cream from the pharmacy and didn't know if I was gonna puke, pass out or shit myself... The pain was so bad I was sweating.
Made it home, had a few puffs off of the dry vape and crashed... Right up until 330, waking up on and off because of my stomach, but then I managed to crash again and when I woke up, felt a bit raw, but the pain wasn't coming and going... Hopefully it's done with me....

Blizzard coming tomorrow... 15 to 25 cm of snow (5 to 9inches) winds up to 50k.... Better have had them snowblowers prepped up for the season!

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