Monday, November 19, 2018

R.I.P. Kepler, $3 Purchase of Garbage Today & The 'Annoying' Blogger

What do you know about 'extra-solar' planets? If you're like me, you know a little bit on the subject. The tip  of that wee bit of knowledge is that the Kepler Space Telescope has revolutionized both the 'search' and 'finding' of planets outside of our solar system and galaxy.
Launched March 6th, 2009 (I remember that!!) the Kepler Space Telescope has been diligently sifting the cosmos for planets, 'exo-planets as they are known.
The telescope did this by studying stars, looking for a distinct 'dimming' as a planet or planets pass in front of their star, even though the planets might be minuscule in comparison to their host star, there will still be a slight difference, enough to notice and there you will have a star with that planets that revolves around it, like our or and sometimes, unlike our own, with some planetary systems having double suns (Not bad for off the top of my head eh?)
In it's 9 year career Kepler has confirmed 2,723 planets! Just think, if you're in your 40 and up, there was a time in our lives when the notion of 'other planets' out there was ridiculous! and even further back that there were not even galaxies or nebulae, black holes or gravitational waves.

Kepler's mission was originally slated for only 3.5 years, but like so many of NASA's great instruments has lived on well past it's purpose and has helped changed our view of the Universe we live in.
Video on Kepler's mission:

Love that shit!

So today... This happened:

1 comment:

  1. Get a metal strip for the bottom of the door, that kind of sock thing sucks.
    Good to see you are feeling better!
