Monday, November 5, 2018

Behold: The Might Of the Wind & Some Thoughts On Legalization (A few weeks later)

I was walking down York St. this afternoon and happened to look up and couldn't believe my eyes.
The metal roofing of this house/apartments had been peeled right back. Like some giant huemahn had stood on the roof and gripped the edges of the roofing then peeled it right back.

Sorry, the angle is kinda off and it's hard to tell. I'll 'blow' up the photo as best I can.

Crazy eh? I've seen damage by storms done all over the place, I walked around and got photo's after hurricane 'Arthur' hit us, but I ain't seen a roof 'peeled' back like that around here before.
Some business and homes are still without power now. Schools around Fredericton were closed today. That was one wicked wind!

Something occurred to me today as I was out, it's been a few weeks since 'legalization of marijuana' hit Canada.
In that time, I've note seen ONE person out smoking weed in public... Even out of downtown, haven't seen a soul, puffin away at a joint or ripping away at a bong.
I've not smelled the sweet odor of pot in the air. I've not walked by a backyard where a group may be gathered, walked by a doorway where the smoke was wafting off, into the domain of say an average citizen who doesn't smoke pot.
I've not seen people passed out on the sidewalk or in parks or in a food court... I've not seen convenience stores attacked by ravenous 'potheads', in a demonic possession by the evil weed clawing and grasping for any snack to cure the 'munchies'!

I love by two pretty busy intersections... I've not seen any mass pile ups of cars, filled with 'stoned' drivers, smashing into innocent drivers or pedestrians... To end this, the World hasn't fallen apart, our Nation has not crashed nor is violently spinning into Hell. No, it's as the 'mainstream news' calls it "A nothing burger"....

I've also seen lots of complaints, from the products being 'too expensive' and 'too much packaging', this and that. Of course no matter what they did/do people were going to complain.
But I thought of it the other day and I mean, an entire Country, our Country just legalized a drug that's been illegal since 1923. Opposition to the current government says that the party didn't give enough time, yes or no, still no matter what they did or how they did it or how long it took them, NO ONE is gonna get it right the first time. It was a massive undertaking.

So, give it time. Be patient.... Soon enough you'll see potheads passed out everywhere!!

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