Monday, November 12, 2018

Home Again....

Nice to be home again. Just got back from a 5 day 'staycation' at my older Brother Scott and my Sister in-law's while they went to Ontario for a break.

Man, I'm waiting for my taxi and fucking see that Stan Lee has died! I mean, not a total surprise, the guy was 95... I'm sure anyone who recognizes him, has seen him for the last decade or so appearing in Marvel movies, from the Spider Man's of 2002 to the latest Marvel movies most recently in theater and possibly some to come (If they've been filming)...But any time you saw him you might have thought, 'Holy shit! Stan's still alive!'
Of course like any kid I grew up reading Marvel comics. Introduced to Spider Man by those cheesy early morning cartoons, the Spidey who made an appearance on the 'Electric Company'.

While I did collect comics as a kid, I started to just like 'Spider Man' as a character and less as a comic book character or cartoon. Marvel soon became kinda trite and boring to me as a reader and I sought out darker and more violent content.
But when I was 16, I knew my first tattoo would be Marvel's 'The Punisher' (Long before Dolph Lundgren sullied the character with a horrible movie - They didn't even put the skull on his chest!)..
And for my second tattoo at 17, I also knew what it would be and that was the new and fresh amazingly drawn Spider Man by Todd McFarlane
THAT tattoo, don't look so fresh now, many years later, time has taken it's toll.

I did collect the 'Spider Man 2099' comic book series because it was a much fresher take on the character that was created by the legendary Stan Lee. So to Stan, thanks for the great entertainment you've given myself and millions and millions of other people the World over.
Spider Man, like Santa Claus, Godzilla and Mr. T are recognized everywhere on the planet and that's something to achieve, to create something that stands the test of time, is reborn and nurtured by generation after generation (ok, maybe not 'Mr. T'.)
R.I.P. Excelsior!

Always nice to stay at Scott and Andrea's. Aura their dog was much more calm and sociable with me this time. The poor pup, Scott and Andrea adopted her some 7 or 8 years ago and she had been abused... Very badly and those effects remain today. She's very wary of strangers, not that she's dangerous, quite the opposite, she' scared shitless... Or was... Now she's much better with me, although each night I got into bed and Aura and their cat Cooper were there, Aura would look at me like, "Ummm Ok guy, I know you're supposed to be here, but are you sure you're supposed to be.. HERE, in OUR bed??"....
Cooper is awesome, 9 year old black cat. He's cool, he just chills out. He'll go outside for a bit, but he's not into chasing and climbing no more. He'd sit and watch documentaries and movies with me

No news to New Brunswick folk, but we got slapped by another storm. This one bringing some snow, which stayed and more crazy ass fucking wind. The lights flickered all evening on Saturday until at about 5 to midnight, they went out. always prepared, I had my flashlights and LED lamps. Power was restored there about an hour or so later. But then the wind howled all day into Sunday, Sunday night and abated last night
I got some vids I'll stitch into something in the next days or so... Oh, yeah, there's MORE snow coming tomorrow and MORE wind forecast for Wednesday... I think I'd like a do-over of this Fall. I mean what the fuck? We had snow in October and snow that stayed in November... The temperatures dropped to fucking -17 last night... -17!!! That's redonkulous! And more of it coming! Oh well... Spring's only 4-5 months away....

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