Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Found it!! And Some News, like Worldly News, not 'Chris News'

So, today after having blood drained from my body, I got up to the 'mall' and ventured again to find a 'door draft guard'... Now, there's kinda two different 'door draft guards'.....
These ones:

And these ones:

Which is the one I found at Lawton's Drugs! I had searched and asked several Wally-Mart workers, but since most of them are married to their Brother's and Sister's, you can't expect much from them... So I searched high and low and none to be found... So I found a couple of stores in the mall that carry like home decor, not like 'Bath & Beyond'... I dunno, they sell crap I wouldn't put up lol... 'Home body' stuff, knick knacks of art and stuff ... Anyhow, they didn't have it...

So as I went to Lawton's as, you know, some of the 'drug' stores get in just about everything these days... No go... They had a Christmas section, but nothing there... So off I went and was only dismayed... Then, on my way out of the mall, walking by Lawton's... There it was! In the fucking window!!
So walking back into Lawton's, I ran into one of the kind young ladies who had helped me when I had asked... and I said, 'I found it!' and she said, "The door draft thing?" and I said, 'Yep, it's in the front window, behind the glass!'... As they were getting it for me, several older ladies saw it and asked how much it was and if there were more... 'Nope' the Lawton's gal said, 'That's all that we have AND, it's 40% off!

SCORE! So, now I want to find one more for the bathroom door... And then, then my life will be complete...

[CORRECTION: In the previously reported story below, it was reported that the stupid dumb ass christian's body was found. His body has not yet been found, but I'd like to add that it would be great if they did find him and he was crucified or decrapitated like John the baptist was)

Saw this news story this morning and couldn't help but chuckle...

christians BE WARNED... I'm going to say some nasty stuff ahead here....

So, in India, there's an island, ok, there's a shitload of islands off of India's coast, it's in the Bay Of Bengal... On this island is one of the Earth's last remaining primitive tribes... Scientists believe this is one of the tribes, the original FIRST tribes to leave Africa and came to this area some 60,000 years ago...
It is against the law for us normal huemahns to set foot in their island, it is illegal to take photo's or video's of these people who inhabit this island (although, both exist)....
This place is called 'North Sentinel island'...
Even after the big tsnami of 2004, when rescuers attempted to land on the island and other's flew over in a helicopter, they were attacked by flying spears and arrows! These people WANT to be left the fuck alone.

So, some fucking christian missionary, despite being warned, despite being told, "YOU CANNOT GO THERE", decided that he'd say 'fuck you' to the rules and laws and paid some fishermen to drop him off in the island, so he could try to convert this tribe, called the Sentinelese.

A few days later his body was found, stuck with arrows and spears! HAHAHAH... He didn't have an army of thugs to hack up the tribe, like the Spanish and other 'christian' armies have done in days long gone.

Yeah I laughed hard.... Good on them those Sentinelese folks! They do not want interaction with the outside world and there have been laws set down to protect them, but fucking christian's, they think, "Oh, well 'god' is on my side! god will provide me safety! god will show his light to this primitive folk, he will show them the way"....
Nope, they fucking killed him. It's too bad they didn't hack him into pieces and feed him to the fish... I'd probably guess they wouldn't eat him, I mean, they don't want the 'evil spirit' within this dumb ass to get into and infect any of the tribe..

Here is a photo of the now dead missionary for 'christ'... Rest In Peace jerkface!

Oh, btw, the fishermen? They've all been arrested... So any pay off they got from this slimy piece of shit missionary, was wasted...

Yes, I resent the christians... When you think of the death they've reaped across the planet for centuries, it's stomach turning... Yes, yes, I know very well other religions have also killed many and evil dictators have as well... But unlike 'evil dictators', the religious do this in the 'Name of 'god''... They feel that, if heathen's don't believe, then they don't deserve to live... Sickening. Our planet would fair so much better to be rid of these ridiculous beliefs in ancient, archaic and useless 'gods'.

Now, learning from this story, one can only HOPE that more christians will attempt to go to Sentinel island and meet a similar fate.We can 'pray' for that 💀

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