Saturday, November 17, 2018

Happy 80th Birthday Gord0!! + Snow Storm Aftermath

Mom use-ta listen to lots of 'Lightfoot'. I seen him once, but he didn't see me, I was hiding....

Snow... I mean so! Snow storm has passed, wasn't a 'doozy', some strong gusts last evening, but it'll all be just sugar for what's aboot to come!
I did some stretching, which lol, then I did a little bit of shoveling, my neighbors do so much for me and they are on their way back from SJ and I just wanted to at L|EAST break a hole in the 'wall' of snow at the toes of the driveway.... My arms feel like rubber bands now... BUT, I took my time, no need to give myself a cardiac arrest.. Fuck I'd be some pissed off if snow was my nail in the coffin!

Winter is coming!

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