Sunday, November 25, 2018

Kitty's Gotta Brand New Bag.... Erm.... Box

Elsa got some 'new' stuff today. Sadly over the last 4 months my older Brother Scott and my Sister-in law Andrea have lost their two cats, Paia and Cooper. Both were elderly cats, loved so much throughout their lives and will be missed.
I'm glad I got to spend time with Paia when I was house sitting over the Summer and Cooper recently.
Both of them were such awesome cats.

So, as they won't be getting new cats, today Scott dropped of their automatic cleaning litter box and also some food dishes.

Elsa's been stand-offish with the new bowls, even though they had been thoroughly washed, I'm guessing there's still years of cat scent on them and when you're used to having the some 'ol eating and drinking bowls day in and day out for years, then all of a sudden there's these two new 'objects' holding your food, well anyone would probably be a little wary...\

I was wondering how she'd fair with a really weird new litter box, I mean going from this was like going from a regular toilet to one of them cool new ones that flush on their own.

I can only imagine Elsa's reaction when she's in there takin a crap someday and the thing switches on to clean it LOL, she'll probably not shit in it again for a while.... Wait a second, that's not funny...
Thanks to Scott & Andrea for the inheritance from Cooper and Paia

LOL I was just gonna say, 'Looks like it's gonna be a great weather week ahead!', at least it wasn't with temperatures that were like LAST WEEK... with it's evil -25 and below temps...

And I just went to Environment Canada's webpage to get some temperature quotes And what do I see?
'Special Weather Statement'
Fredericton and Southern York County
An extended period of messy weather expected for mid-week.

A pair of low pressure systems approaching the Maritimes will bring a mix of snow and rain to New Brunswick, beginning on Monday night and continuing into Thursday. Precipitation is likely to taper to showers or flurries on Wednesday as the first low weakens, then increase in intensity again on Wednesday night as the second low approaches. Although it is too early to forecast snowfall amounts, total accumulations may exceed warning criteria of 15 cm in some inland areas during this event.

In addition, strong northerly winds are likely to develop over eastern New Brunswick on Thursday behind the second low, then diminish on Thursday night as it moves off.

So that's a fuking mixed bag of shit! Is it going to rain and snow? Snow and rain? Freezing rain and snow? Wind and freezing rain and snow and rain?

Oh well, it WAS gonna be a nice week.... Guess it'll be more indoors time getting rid of shit....

I've taken four bags of old clothes I don't wear anymore to the Canadian Diabetes clothing donation bins.
My upstairs is just about 'purged'... I only have a couple more cupboards to clean out, then it's done...

The big job is downstairs, more clothes and then all of the packing boxes I moved in with, they gotta be broken down and recycled... I wanted to wait for the basement until it was below freezing, so any of the spiders or other creatures that have made their homes in those boxes for years are good and ... DEAD!

After the boxes the biggest work will be getting rid of old stuff.. SO, stay tuned! There could be X-Files or Electronic Arts merch, MAYBE lots of Metal shirts and who knows what else...

But I've been posting for years about shrinking down my 'footprint'.... I wanna get rid of as much stuff as possible..

Too Much Stuff
Dave Brockie

Too much stuff, too much stuff
I've got too much stuff
Too much stuff, too much stuff
I've got too much stuff

[Verse 1]
A little calculator in my computer machine
A doctor with a rubber glove that keeps my butthole clean
A thing I got in Austria that pulls hairs out my nose
A giant piece of wood that's formed to keep track of my clothes

Too much stuff, too much stuff
I've got too much stuff
Too much stuff, too much stuff
I've got too much stuff

[Verse 2]
A car with wheels that sucks my life because it never moves
A penis that will help me with the taming of the shrews
A little boat with bells on it, oh who could ask for more?
I'll sail my ship across the seas and fuck exotic whores, oh


Too much!
Too much!
Too much!
Too much!

I've got so much stuff, I can't see my stuff
But here's some prints from a guy named Hieronymous
I'm addicted, addicted to stuff, maybe I should go
To "Stuff Anonymous"

[Break: Mike Derks, spoken]
Hey! Yo!
That's too much stuff!
Too much stuff!
That's too much stuff...

[Verse 3]
A weird potato peeler that fills an entire room
A wardrobe trunk that's densely packed with moldy pantaloons
A savage giant narwhal with a lacerated spleen
A moldy truss once worn by Freddie Mercury of Queen
Banana bread, etruscan head, a shoe once licked by God
A bunch of stinky band-aids rolled up in a smelly clod
The dark command of Sauron and a face that swarms with bees
I’d give it all to you if I could find my fucking keys!

SME, The Orchard Music (on behalf of Metal Blade Records)

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