Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Cure For Autism?.... Or Just Insanity Running Amok.....

[Please note: To my friends who have autistic children, I am by no means assuming that homeopathic or naturopathic regimes cannot help your child, to be honest I know very little about autism or what the challenges may be involved with raising an autistic child... BUT, to me, just in my own opinion, "rabid dog saliva" is not something anyone should be giving ANYBODY, even if it has been repeatedly diluted in water]

So I don't how many of you might have seen this article, making it's way all over the place. In fact, the original story I believe came out about a year or so ago and made World news at that point.

"Controversial naturopath gives up licence, says work 'not going to change'" reads the stories title...

About a year ago, a "naturopath" in British Columbia made World news after it came out that she had administered a child with Autism, who was having nightmares about dogs and werewolves, as well as violent outbursts... The "naturopath" says that she doesn't diagnose children with autism, but relies on the parents to come to her... But this one child, who had been attacked by several dogs within a four year period, including the childs own grandfather's dog, who had to be put down after the child was attacked...
So, this quack/hack, made some concoction that had and I quote, "Rabid dog saliva" in it.... That's right... She gave a child, a serum that had RABID DOG SALIVA in it, in hopes to 'cure' the child's autism or at least abate the symptoms that the child was manifesting....

From the CBC article:
"Zimmermann made headlines around the world in the spring after she wrote a blog post claiming she had used a homeopathic solution called lyssinum to bring a four-year-old with behavioural problems "back into a more human state from a slightly rabid dog state.""

Yes, yes my friends, these are exactly the type of stupid huemahns that inhabit our World.... Sure sure, there are naturopathic and homeopathic remedies that are beneficial, I won't argue that. But it would seem the logic this dumb ass so called "naturopath" came up with was, "Well the boys having nightmares of dogs and werewolves and acting wild, sooooo.. why not make something from a wild dog and badda-boom-badda-bing....The child will be cured!'
That the parents would fall for such nonsense, leads me to believe that people like this "naturopath" and the parents of this poor child are the same type of people who would fall for becoming a scientologist or a mormon or a jehovah witness...

Now this concoction that she made, lyssinum, IS approved for us by Canada's FDA, it's made by repeatedly diluting saliva from a rabid dog with water....... Yes! You too can 'Cure autism' by milking a wild rabid dog of it's saliva!
Personally, I'd love to see how this is done... Is there a rabid dog farm where they milk these dogs of their precious life changing serum of saliva? How can you ensure the dog has 'good' rabid saliva?

What in the name of batshit crazy is lyssinum used for in the first place?? Why and how did someone even come up with this???

When one 'Googles' 'lyssinum'?  You will find it perhaps even MORE shocking that 'lyssinum' can be made not only from rabid dog saliva but also from "diseased huemahn"!!!! WHAT THA FUCK????

I'm sorry, I'm open minded, I am, I've taken all kinds of  'cures' and done homeopathic treatments that would allegedly 'cure' my psoriatic arthritis and because ALL of those failed, I would have to say I don't have much faith in naturopathic/homeopathic treatments, again, there is some good stuff out there, but there's also some bat shit crazy shit out there! I think the parents should be given a good fucking slap upside the head... For a couple reasons... This child was attacked 4 times by dogs within a few years.. WHY? How does one child end up being attacked that many times (and of course one being certain that the dog was the grandfather's and it was put down) and I'm not blaming the child here I'm blaming the fucking parents... Of course the kid is having nightmares about being attacked by dogs... That's no fucking mystery... The other reason the slap would be good is because they'd 'go for this' treatment in the first place.
Now, I don't have children and at that, obviously i don't have a child or children with autism or any ailments. I know friends who do have children with autism... I don't know what kind of desperation one might be in that they would turn to some 'treatment' like 'rabid dog saliva'... I mean, if I was a parent and I think a good parent would look into what some naturopath was wanting to give my child and I read that 'lyssinum' came from fucking rabid dogs, I'd be like no fucking way and maybe consider taken an assault charge for slapping the naturopath upside the head for suggesting it!

So, this lady, surrendered her licence "voluntarily" BUT she will still practice homeopathy, which is not regulated in British Columbia.
"Deputy college registrar Phillipa Stanaway said in an email that the college "strongly recommends the public choose a registered health professional when seeking health-care related treatment.""

Crazy crazy World.....

Now, where's a nice rabid dog I can go milk of it's saliva and sell to people!

*with quotes from this CBCnews article:

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