Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Wasteland Zombies Have Risen Again... Re-Risen??

First rehearsal in over a year! Everyone actually remembered what instruments we play. So that's a start.

Thanks to Mo & James.

Singer's are too ugly to have their photo's included!


  1. So I figured it's my browser that won't let me post here. Dadgum it. Opera failed me. So this is from uggg chrome.
    So no pics of the singer eh? WTF man, that's just wrong on so many levels. :-). Hope you guys are ready do the jam! Rock on man!
    MrZorg was here.

  2. SO I wonder if Firefox doesn't work as well... Maybe even IE...

    We had a great practice. Looking forward to the next and final practice before the benefit... And in regards to the photo, I usually crack camera lenses!
    Although I did post a pic of me from our Crazy Train radio interview!
