Saturday, September 8, 2018

Jerkface The Wonder Squirrel Is A Weirdo!

So, this squirrel, there's two of them really, but one is the one I call Jerkface The Wonder Squirrel, is it's been a jerkface all Summer.... Bullying the chipmunks, being weird to me. It's like Buddy, it has no fear of me. So as you know I've taken to blasting it with my ketchup bottle squirt gun, this has been working quite well...
So Jerkface, I've seen it straddling the fence top, dragging itself across the top of the fence between it's legs... Maybe it has fleas and ticks on it's nards, maybe it feels good, maybe it has an STD, but it's DAMN weird!
I've seen it doing crazy parkour moves around the trees, attack it's friend that tags along with Jerkface sometimes...
I have seen it in the trees, laying flat out, like it's, I don't know, maybe pretending or thinking it's invisible.. Who knows...
But earlier today I go outside and around back and well... The videos always explain it much better....

Just so people know. After I shut off the camera, Jerkface did get up and saunter off, it appeared to be not injured in any way, nor did it appear as though it was sickly. I think, it was just sunning itself.. Or, it maybe have been laying in wait for me to come closer, then jump on my face and dig out my eyeballs....

I didn't make it to the 'Paws For Punks' benefit last night. I was feeling pretty shitty all day yesterday and most of last night. It sucks, but such is my lot in life.
I am hoping to save my health and energy for the benefit October 13, the Rock for Donnie's kids benefit, which you can find on Facebook... Go check it out, there is a shitload of absolutely incredible prizes, from guitars and basses to Bluetooth speakers and more!
It's gonna be quite the night with some of the areas best bands playing and in our discussion group putting this together, we all feel that Donnie is up there smiling down on us. We think he'd be pretty stoked with what we're doing.
I know we are all stoked... I go fall down now.

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