Monday, September 24, 2018

Did YOU Vote? (New Brunswick Provincial Election Night)

I used to always hear growing up that, "If you don't vote you don't have ANY right to complain about the way things are in your Province or Country"....

That's 100% bullshit. Being a 'Canadian' gives you the 'right' to do whatever you feel (obviously, I'm talking within reason)... If you don't want to vote, maybe you're lazy, maybe you don't care, maybe you're too busy, maybe you feel there's no one to vote for... Whatever your reason, that's up to you and IF you don't vote, you can bitch all you want. If I didn't have certain responsibilities, I probably wouldn't vote... But I did. Ask my neighbors, I went with them.

I'm very pessimistic about our World politics. I believe the system is broken. Each and every person running cannot be trusted.
I think there used to be a saying about lawyers, that none could be trusted, I feel that's the same about politicians. No matter what their intentions going in, the system is now so screwed and messed up, broken and destroyed that no matter WHAT 'good' intentions one running for an office may have, when they get into that position, the realities are much much different and they can never live up to the promises made on the campaign trails. How many years now have we seen on the news, months and years after elected persons are in office that their promises are listed and scrutinized and ALMOST always never fulfilled.

So why vote at all? It's a very good question. Last provincial election in NB some 65/68% voted. Why didn't the rest vote? Who knows, maybe for the reasons I wrote above...

There sadly will never be a time when NO one votes at all, society is just not like that. Like any protest, there's always going to be those who won't take part.
IF, no one voted, IF, people stopped buying certain products from certain companies, then those, the 'powers that be', might see, "Ohhh wow, the general populace is really upset here... But that will never happen (that no one votes or people completely boycott something.

So, if you voted, hurray for you! If you didn't, hurray for you... Sad things is, things are just going to remain the same, spiraling out of control, creating more and more division and dissatisfaction....

It's not a brave new World out there, it's just the same 'ol, same 'ol.....

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