Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rollin' Thunder & The Horror!

Drug my body out of the house to get some provisions today. While quickly throwing on some rain gear at the corner of Regent and Dundonald St. I spotted our way over-kill of a vehicle, the RCMP T.A.V. (Tactical Armored Vehicle)... Like I said, that thing is WAY overkill for this city but man it's fuckin' bad ass! YOu could mow down a crowd of hippie protesters with that sucker and probably not even feel a bump!
As it went by I gave the guys a big 'thumbs up' and then threw them the 'Metal horns'... Which I don't think they seemed to appreciate!
I've always wondered if these suckers are equipped with those acoustic weaponry. The sound weapon that could make a crowd shit it's pants (really) or vomit or have panic attacks... Acoustic weapons are evil! But look like a load of fun!

Man, the weather changed. Cold and windy, one of the trees behind the house lost most of it's leaves yesterday afternoon. Elsa was being driven batty watching the blizzard of leaves falling and tossed and whirled about by the wind.

Had to wear fukin' pants today! Summer is OVER! Gone! POOF! Disappeared, all but a memory of those hot sweaty days, lounging on the deck of the houseboat, lounging by the pool.

Looks like the remnant of 'Florence' will hit us (not really) on Thursday. Just some wind and rain..... Which is what we got in the last couple of days... So I don't really know what the difference will be.

These cold wet wind blown evenings put me in a horror movie mood. Not that I haven't watched horror flicks year round, but the Fall just screams for Horror! get it??? 'Screams'??? Ahh

So last night, I watched to begin, John Carpenter's 'Prince of Darkness', classic, awesome movie! With the late Donald Pleasence and a side bit by Alice Cooper (killing someone while the victim's listening to his music)... If you've never seen 'Prince of Darkness', SEE IT!
After that I watched 1957's 'The Seventh Seal', a black and white Swedish flick.. Not so much horror as it is just ... hmm... eerie? Mysterious? Wikipedia calls it a "Historic fantasy" movie... it deals with a knight who is playing Death a game of chess as he travels and picks up companions along the way. The film is set in the period of the Black Death and of course the paranoia, religious fervor and death that came along with all that. It's a subtitle movie, but still a great movie.
Tonight i'm thinking 'X-Files - Fight the Future', not an all out Horror, but Sci-Fi/Horror and I just hadn't seen it in ages... Dunno why it popped in my head... I have about 100 or more Horror flicks lined up for September into October. So I'll be posting those as I watch them!

Translated that's 'The Seventh Seal'

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