Thursday, September 27, 2018

Some 'Critter Pix' From The Backyard & Bird Feeder

When I've been out in the backyard, several times a small (I think they are all small) Black and white chickadee comes by, seems to be braver than other birds that frequent the feeder. The chickadee will land, take a couple of looks at me, then start to pick out stuff off the feeder. At first I was kinda miffed at it's behavior, it would stick it's beak into the feeding hole and pull out seed, throw it to the ground, pick out more, throw it to the ground, pick out more, throw it to the ground, Oh! it found something it liked, takes it and flies off.
I was thinking, 'What a little jerk! Throwing what it disliked to the ground!', but really, it's good for ground feeding birds and the chipmunks (not like they don't get enough food...)...

So here's some pics of the black & white chickadee:

Kinda dumb that 'Blogger' won't let one use 'tables' or attach photo's side by side to save room. Tried multiple ideas, but none worked, anyone have any clues, would love to hear 'em


And now! Some bonus photo's of 'Buddy' from Sept 23rd. I didn't post them then with the video because they are blurry, but they are pretty funny, looks like Buddy is making faces, but obviously he's stuffed to the gills with nuts!

Man, last Fall we had this outdoor infestation of Alder beetles... Little fuckers! Brad (my neighbour and I), had found them in the field last year and then they got the house. So THIS Fall, we were prepared, we've been watching the field since probably July, we found a big nest about a month ago and I've been dumping soapy water now and then on the sporadic nests I've found, but nothing like what we found a couple months ago and NOTHING like what we found tonight. 
Brad found a MASSIVE mound, like hundreds and hundreds of these fuckers! It's a true miracle that soapy (dish soap) water instantly kills them dead! Dad says the soap gets in their 'breathing apparatus'' and well they suffocate! if anyone thinks this is cruel? Please, by all means come to our field and scoop \em up and take them home with you. 
Last year we had them all over the side of the house, they don't do any harm, aside from getting inside, they emit a 'stink' when you upset them or if pets or anything else tries to eat em... But they are a pest. Our house has like shingles all over it, so they love to hide in those and winter there... Not this year!
We got 'em dead to rights! 'V' Is for Victory! 

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