Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ugh Politics....

This is a horrible "debate". ALL of these 'politicians' are ALL making themselves look like just the right person NOT to vote for. 
This debate has already shown me what I already knew... We desperately need a new system (political/not tv debate)... The World's political system is broken, demolished and needs to be discarded. So sad for New Brunswick... One of the worst off provinces and we have these buffoons to choose from...

In case you're wondering what I'm ranting about, New Brunswick's provincial election is in a few weeks and tonight was the first live debate.

As I said above, just horrible, talking over each other, digs and slaps, arguing and finger pointing... ALL of them are not trustworthy, I don't care how 'new' your 'party' is. It's not offering ANYTHING new, anything decisive... Just the same old crap crap crap 

This morning I saw there was a small bird feather on the kitchen floor. I must have brought it in on my shoe or something... Elsa found it was going nuts on it. She had it covering her nose and mouth and was flipping it in the air... She'd make a helluva killer kitty out there... But sadly her temper is such that she'd probably go stand in front of a car in hopes to 'bring it down!' She's a bit headstrong. 
My ol kitty Piggey-Sue was an all out killer. She killed mice, she killed rats, she killed birds, she beat the crap outa any cat who dared venture in our yard....
One day I was in my room when I lived in Burnaby, I had the basement door open (My room was in the basement for a time at that place)... So I'm on my computer and I hear this noise... 'What the hell is that??'... It sounded like a kinda muffled cat meowing... I thought, 'Shit! Piggey!!' and got up and hobbled to the basement door. Right at my bedroom door though I was met my her and what I saw stunned me!
here Piggey was, walking towards me and out of her mouth were stuck two bird legs.... She had that bird starring down her throat... So I was like, 'Uh uh no way, you ain't letting that loose in here' and good thing... I picked her up and took her to the backdoor and then i set her down and pinched her jaws to let out the bird.... The poor thing miraculously flew away... For at least a minute, maybe two, that bird was looking down my cats throat, bet it had a story to tell it's buddies!

Man, it looks like 'Florence' is gonna wipe the US Atlantic Coast clean... Or at least the Carolina coast... I got my favorite hurricane tracking program up and running, watching the 24 hour reports... I know it's bad, but I'd rather watch this live destruction than ANY reality TV show.... This is REAL... Feel bad for all those about to lose their homes and livelihoods. Not much we can do being huemahns on this ever changing planet... We're subject to her whims.

Check this out!

Great site! You can track all 3 Hurricanes in the Atlantic and even the ones in the Pacific, the planets been lucky thus far, but I think the US is about to really get slapped.... It's funny on chats how people are blaming HAARP (The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) - This crazy contraption in Alaska was made to study the aurora's and other high altitude magnetic anomalies... But conspiracy folk claim as true as jesus that it is a weather controlling machine and they are saying that it's the "cause" of all the crazy destructive weather that is slamming North America.... My question that never gets answered is this... IF HAARP is a weather weapon... Why are Americans using it on their own fucking country????? I mean, the yanks can be thick, but not that damn thick!

It's also claimed that the Russians have one, as well as the Chinese and I think the North Koreans or maybe the Middle East... But there's non such weapon I've seen... Closest thing may be the 'Russian Woodpecker'.....
That's a great documentary if you can find it. Check it out, it's a huge conspiracy that says this contraption only miles from Chernobyl is the 'Duga' a "over the horizon cold war radar system...Anyhow they beleive that the Chernobyl meltdown was either caused by the Duga or that the metldown was done on purpose to distract the World from this 'machine'...

The 'Duga' Over the horizon radar antennae

HAARP in Alaska

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