Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rollin' Thunder & The Horror! (Part: Deux!)

That walk was, cold, painful, but OOOh so worth it!
The jehovah witness haven't been around since the weather turned... But tonight the latter day saints were around! I had a great 10/15 minute chat with those gals... 'Missionaries', 'Sister Rodriguez' and 'Sister Facewave' ('Facewave' is what a friend of mine replaces someone's name with when they've forgotten said person's name).

So, chat began about my cane and the marble in it. There's a marble in the mouth of the dragon on my cane and I was saying I'd like a blood red one or some other colors, but, you can't just buy 'one' marble, you got to buy a fucking bag of them! (I didn't swear that the nice young ladies) - From there I had told them that the jehovahs ain't been around lately, so the Green was theirs! Sister Facewave asked me if I was aware they were missionaries and Sister Rodriguez spoke up and said, "Oh yes, we've chatted before"... I mentioned that I had been to the Salt Lake City temple and Sister Facewave was astounded, she said she'd never even been there before, I told her she was still young. Sister Rodriguez inquired as to how I ended up at the temple and I explained the annual car trips across the Country with Dad..
Sister Rodriguez asked if I'd been to the cults website ever and truthfully, I told her yes I had not too long ago... I blurted out, 'You should no longer be referred to as 'mormons' or 'The LDS', just 'latter day saints' and she said or the church of jebiz crispy.... When I said this, Sister Facewave lost her mind!
She exclaimed, "How do you know that!!! Half our church doesn't even know that!!" and I just smiled wryly and said, 'I know things'.... And Sister Rodriguez lol actually said that too...
From there I said, 'You know, you're not going to convert me'.... And Sister Facewave asked, "Why not" and I told them I don't believe in 'god', I told them I believe in science, it's my god and Sister Rodriguez said, "We also believe in science" and I said, 'yes, but I've taken the 'god' part out of that equation and went on to say that I didn't need 'god' anymore, asked them, do we need Odin anymore, to which they both kinda looked at each other like, 'What???'.. and I went on, we don't need Zeus or Jupiter nor any of the Egyptian 'gods'.. I said that the Egyptian civilization lasted for over 5000 years (that we're willing to believe) with their religion and we don't need that anymore.. I said that I'd moved beyond the need of a 'god'... Sister Facewave asked if I'd read the book of mormon and I told her I had and that I had read the jehevah's book and the koran and the bible and that science has provided me with all the answers and added some questions for me, but that I didn't need to believe in any deity.
Sister Rodgriguez asked if when I thought about the universe, if I ever thought about god along with it and I said, 'no, look' I said, 'There's a theory that the universe is a hologram, so out there, outside of all this, there's some really fat computer nerd that's created all this, but I feel no need to worship it, nor prostrate myself before it, nor engage in any rituals to placate it' and I added that I didn't believe 'it' wished me to do any of that.
Then I mentioned multiple universes and they both agreed that they believed in that... Which for once, they surprised me... But my surprise was short lived as Sister Rodrguez stated that, 'We can't be the only huemahns out there"... So I began to see that she was mistaken the 'universe' for 'solar system', as she ended off saying, "Just think how many stars are out there, there has to be not just us".....
So with that, I bid the ladies a 'good-evening' and was off on my way home.

The old Centennial building / new courthouse is coming along... More floors gone...

Had 'Stag Chili for supper (My goto cold dreary Fall/Winter night supper).... The cats gonna hate me later....


  1. Interesting conversation!
    The cat deserves it.

    1. Yeah Jen, you're probably wright... Ha! Right? Wright?? Get it??? Wright???
