Monday, September 17, 2018


Today while downtown I ran into Jonas Colter. Got a great big hug and Jonas was reflecting on seeing my first band K.G. Wolfe at FHS around 1987 or '88 I think.
Jonas is a HUGE music fan and has run the 'Evolve' music festival since 2008. He showed me this super cute video of his then 6 year old playing drums to Black Sabbath's 'The Wizard', his son has amazing timing for that age.

It's very flattering when people come up and tell me how great a time they had back then. It's a huge coup for me to know that something we did over 30 yrs ago made an impact that people still remember to this day.

K.G. Wolfe had got accepted to play the FHS cafeteria. I'm not sure what exactly was the 'event' per se. It wasn't a battle of the bands, I think someone had just set up a show with young local acts with a place to play.
We played the cafeteria show and then, even though at that time our two guitarists, Bryce McKlellen and Chris Gullison were the only high school students in the band, we were invited to play live at the FHS battle of the bands held in the theater at the school.

This was a show that gained us a lot of attention. During our set, not for ANY other reason than I got hot when I was flying and jumping around like a maniac in those days, I took off my shirt... It wasn't to be a 'sex symbol', it wasn't to impress any young ladies, I was simply dripping with sweat....

Well, this didn't sit well with then vice-principle Mr. MacIntyre. He promptly walked on stage and said, "That's your last song, you're done!", well we had i think two or three more songs, so I said, 'No, we have more songs' and MacIntyre told the stage hands to close the curtains on us (At least no one brought out the big hook to pull us off stage!).... Once the curtain were shut, there was a bit of yelling by my part and MacIntyre said we'd never play FHS again (lol)... He then told my guys to get their gear off the stage and again, i put my foot down and said to the guys, 'If they want it off the stage, they can carry it themselves'.... Which the stage hands did.

That was the talk of the school for quite a while and when I got to FHS a year or so later everyone seemed to know the band.

One of our more impressionable songs called 'Chosen One' was a chant I'd hear right up into times when I came home for a visit from Vancouver. periodically through the years I'd run into people who'd seen the FHS show and they'd chant, "Chosen one, Chosen one!"...

It was great to run into Jonas today, just forgot to ask what he was up to these days. I know he had been running a health bar that was down the far end of King St. but yeah, not sure what he's up to these days. He asked me if I was going to go to the FHS grad reunion next Summer, but I never graduated, so I'm not sure if I can attend. The thought occurred that it would be neat if K.G. Wolfe could do a reunion, but Rob and Chris are both in Ontario somewhere and Bryce, last I heard was in BC somewhere. Too scattered for a reunion, plus at our age now, I'm not too sure how many people would appreciate that!

Video I took today of 'Buddy' sitting on my shoe. He has climbed right up my leg when I've been wearing my pajama bottoms and interestingly, he stops at my socks if I'm in shorts, he 'tested' my skin and stopped before doing something like Elsa would do and that would be to dig in them claws and climb up my body, skin or no skin

I've learned a lot this Summer about chipmunk behavior. They are neat little rodents, smart but very cautious, mind you, if you were that size, you'd be cautious too!
Some of the more unique behavior I've seen is them going along the top of the fence, which is prime area to be scooped up by a bird.
Yesterday I saw the baby chipmunk and Buddy together, which was odd, as Buddy is pretty territorial with any other chipmunk I've ever seen in the back yard at the same time. He generally gives the run to anyone trying to scoop up food. But with this 'baby', he just seemed to ignore it.

Ahh, good thing I decided not to go for a walk! Rain has just started and I would have been half and hour into my walk.... I'm made of sugar and sweet things ya know! I could melt! 

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