Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Night 'N ' Day - The Yard At Night, Bees In the Basement and NO Chipmunk footage!

The Yard is complete!

So, bees! yeah, crawlin' around my basement... My neighbor plugged up a hole outside my apartment about a week ago, and I had attempted to plug it up a week before that. Anyhow, the hole last Summer was used by some bumble bees for a home base and we didn't want it again this year, so, we plugged up the hole.. So I'm guessing the bees I'm seeing in the basement are new blood for this year? 
We thought they didn't use the same nest twice... But maybe these somehow hatched in the last couple weeks as the weather got better... I dunno...

Brad and I searched every room and hole, no sign of bees lol then he knocked a bunch of stuff over right by where we knew the bee's doorway was lol and I said, 'Well, IF they were there, then we'd probably be crawling over each other to get the fuck out of here' lol....I think it's just some stragglers.

Rain is coming they say,, I can feel it. 

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