Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Local & World Renowned Nuclear Physicist and Leading UFOlogist Stanton Friedman Passed Away

Someone had sent me a link to Stanton Friedman's "Offcial FB Fan Club" page and there I learned that Stanton Friedman, the World's leading authority on the Roswell UFO crash, had passed away yesterday (May 13).

Not sure how he passed away. He had had a heart issue about 3 or 4 years ago, so perhaps that played some part.... There's NO official news at the time I'm writing this, so, who knows, maybe it's someone's sick idea of a 'joke' and someone had 'hacked' the fan page and posted something that would be horrible if untrue... It has happened to other celebrities and public figures.

I had met Dr. Friedman twice. Once while vising from Vancouver. Before I had left, Mike Fields and I had been toying around with a couple of movie script ideas. One was 'Mutant Baby' and the other was an 'alien abduction' horror movie and we'd talked about contacting Dr. Friedman and asking if he might consider being an adviser for the film.

So I get home here to Fredericton and I'm downtown standing outside of a computer store on Queen St., when who rolls up and parks right in front of me? Stanton Friedman...

I greeted him on the sidewalk, introducing myself and we spoke a bit about the X-Files and spoke briefly about him being an adviser. He gave me his card and that was about it. Mike and I never completed the alien abduction script, I did finish the 'Mutant Baby' script, but after a friend and former co-worker at whose house we had our own 'after work' shop at took off with our prototype for Mutant baby and just about all of our story-boards... We never got back on track to try and make the movie a reality.

I met Stanton Friedman again a couple of years ago. But it was just a short friendly chat and then we parted ways.

I can remember when we were working on the tv shows and Mike and I had started collecting the UFO magazines, we had seen Stanton's name and address in one of the magazines and were kinda blown away to see that he lived in Fredericton... We couldn't wrap our heads around WHY, this nuclear physicist and UFOlogist, who was born in the US, was living in sleepy little Fredericton. As it turns out the woman he married was from here. Small world!

Stanton Friedman, like I said was the leading expert on the Rosewell UFO 'incident' and had written a number of books, been on many documentaries, spoke at probably thousands of conventions and speaking engagements.

He'll be missed by the UFO community and by residents of Fredericton.

1934 - 2019

1 comment:

  1. I found a link to CBC showing he died at the airport.
