Sunday, May 26, 2019

The BIG Thank You!

To all of you, once again, thank you for all the birthday wishes and greetings and presents!

Just got back from Scott & Andrea's. Scott made an exquisite mole pablano, which, I didn't know we had a family recipe for, but they had actually lost it for years... Scott thought that when I brought it up that I had been around when he'd made it last, before they lost track of the recipe... But I know the dish from a Summer in Vancouver and had never had our recipe, which Scott said that friends from Mexico that had tasted his, said it was better than their own grandmother's! My story was set in Vancouver
Mike and I had house sat a coworkers place who lived in Kit's beach area and one day while we were drinking and staggering around, we found this Mexican bar/restaurant and I ordered the dish there...

I mean, chocolate and chicken? It's like chocolate and peanut butter or cookies and milk... SOOO Good!

After dinner I opened some presents, which were an Amazon gift card and Metallica's remastered 'Kill 'Em All' on vinyl (which I am currently blasting out my stereo!)

And I wanted to share this video of Elsa kinda playing with the present Jen brought me last evening.
Sometimes hard to tell if she likes a 'toy' or if it's just annoying her lol

(Da'ts non-alcohol or at least low alcohol beer)

Twas a fantastic birthday weekend, got to spend time with family and friends. Weather was perfect yesterday... Got some nice gifties and had a some great food. What else could one ask for.... (Don't say 'hookers and blow....)

1 comment:

  1. No hookers and blow? Oh my gersh, chocolate cheesecake. Damn I missed out man.
