Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood.... & 'Midsommer' A New 'Scary' Movie That Looks Kinda Cool

Yeah beautiful Spring day, was out and about.. Check the video.

Tonight heading out with Ciaron Lewis to check out the new 'The Avengers' movie. I think I've seen Infinite War like 6 times at least... So stoked to see what they do here... Would have liked to seen Captain Marvel, but she had flown away from our theaters before I gots the chance.

I don't think Cap Marvel has too much to do with 'End Game' (the new Avengers) but all of these 'tie in' with each other in some way or another.

Don't worry, I won't post any spoilers....

OH! I saw a trailer for a crazy movie last night... From the director of what was 'dubbed' "The Exorcist of the 2000's" 'Hereditary'... This new movie he's seems to step further into the realm of secret cults and supernatural worship... That's my kinda shit.. It's not a Witchcraft movie, but it looks pretty wicked

Everyone said 'Hereditary' was super scary.. But they also said that 'The Witch' was super scary... But I found both just to be cool movies.. I liked 'Hereditary' much more than 'The Witch'.... But it's great we're getting some 'horror' genre flicks that are not jsut straight up gore fests... I've seen me enough 'gore' to last me a couple generations, so that kinda movie don't do much for me, I want something with some meat to it, a great haunting, eerie frightening story... I'm thinking 'Midsommar' MAY be it.

It all remains... to be seen!

1 comment:

  1. I had a grabber like that. Came in really handy after one of my hip surgeries.
    Enjoy the show!!
