Saturday, May 4, 2019

Spring Cleaning Day...

So freakin' sore and beat. lol and that's already... Tomorrow and Monday could be real bad. You know how when you work out or do some strenuous activity that your body ain't used to and it's like maybe not the next day it hits you but the one after that?... Yeah that's where I'm heading and they way I feel now, it could be a doozy... But, like I said in the previous vid, it all hurts, no matter if I'm out there helping, doing a bit of raking or not. I mean, I'd probably hurt less if I did fuck all, but there's a sense of accomplishment in doing some tidying up... The boxes in the basement, I had meant that to be a Winter chore lol and never did it. The plan was, break down all those boxes in the Winter, when the basement is cold and the spiders and creepy basement crawlees are dead.... Still worked out ok...

Anyhow, here's the vid, and as said at the end of this vid, I'm headin to fall down somewhere....

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