Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Some stuff 'n Things.

Boon Gould the bassist for the '80's Synth Pop/Funk Pop group 'Level 42' passed away. He was found dead at his home at age 64.
I had always wondered about Boon. While I am sure there were probably other songs in which he had bigger parts to play, the couple of my favorite 'hits' by Level 42 didn't have much guitar in them and I'd wondered how it felt to be in a band where it seemed that his role ever decreasingly got smaller and small as Level 42 played more "Synth pop" and songs that were more bass and keyboard driven.

Of course Level 42 is chiefly known for their bassist Mark 'Thunder thumbs' King, who is one of the Worlds top rated bass guitar players. And the later incarnations of the band slowly over time lost it's founding members Boon and Boon's brother Phil, who played drums and keyboardist Mike Lindup and it soon seemed like it was the 'Mark King' band.... But I'm not totally sure of the politics, so I'll let sleeping dogs lie.

Anyhow, I can't say I was a Level 42 fan, the 'hits' 'Something About You' and 'Lessons In Love', the other songs were way too 'Poppy' for me and I just didn't find they had the same likability as their 'hits'.
RIP Boon Gould 1955-2019

Jerkface The Wonder Squirrel -

Not much for vids of late, having been feeling well.... Saw my doctor the yesterday, just to get meds refilled, but told her I thought the methotrexate was working even though it makes me vomit and knocks me off my feet for a couple days. She thought it was good news that it's working and thought that even though it's working that my rheumatologist or dermatologist would put me on something else... But I told her, that didn't make sense... And especially in regards to the biologicals, as to get 'funding/backing/coverage' for those meds like Enbrel or Humiria, They want one to 'fail' two medications before they'll fund you on theirs (the costs for each dose are thousands of dollars, no shit, check it out:
Subcutaneous Solution
25 mg/0.5 ml

Enbrel subcutaneous solution
 from $2,709.36
for 2.04 milliliters

50 mg/mL
Enbrel subcutaneous solution
 from $5,410.22
for 3.92 milliliters

Quantity Per unit Price
3.92 (4 x 0.98 milliliters) $1,380.16 $5,410.22

OK, so that's a couple of doses, but it's ridiculous.... But they will cover people who can't afford it. providing like I said, you fail on less expansive meds like methotrexate or Arava.... and all of them got nasty side effects.

yeah, so the chipmunks are just two for now.. I imagine they'll knock up some honey's and they'll push out some teet suckers and soon I'll be feeding a bunch of these silly critters.

Jerkface and his brother.. or sister, 'Assmunch' have been around.. I leave plates of nuts and corn for the 'munks, but I can't stop the squirrels all the time, so they get some and when I'm around and they show up, Jerkface still always tries to impress me by 'walking like a huemahn'....

Ciaron Lewis and I are going to go see the new 'Avengers' movie tomorrow night. I've been a big fan of all the Marvel movies and I've stoked to see this 'End Game'... I have read the 'Infinite Wars' series of graphic novels, but they have and haven't completely followed the same storyline.

For instance in the last 'Avengers' movie 'Infinite War', when the Hulk 'crashes; to Earth in the comic book version its actually the Silver Surfer. So I'm betting this ending will not be quite like it is in the comic book series.
Hopefully it'll be good. I don't go to theaters much... Always tend to like watching flicks in the comfort of my own home where there's no one talking, coughing, sneezing, kicking my seat... BUT I do enjoy the 'big screen' and also the '3D' aspect of the theater experience.
I haven't seen Ciaron in a while, so it'll be great to catch up.. See what's happening with Neighbourhood Watch and the Punk scene.

My good friend Johnny James was by last week for a visit, was good to see him and get a quick update on what the Metal scene's been up to.

Alright, nausea rising again, time to lay down ... again... lol my 'Wednesday's now consist of throwing up around 8 am, about 12 hourse after I've taken the methotrexate, then smoking weed to try and killed ht nausea, then sleeping, then waking up, throwing up, smoking some pot, try to eat, smoke some more pot, pass out.. repeat....

Oh, I picked up this 'Cthulhu' 'glow in the dark' piggey bank the other day.

LOL, looks like it glows pretty awesome eh? Well... NO.... The guy at 'Strange |Adventures' said that it "glows like mad! In the Fall, when I close up the shop, and it's super dark early, it lights up the back of the shop".... Well, that's probably from sitting under the fluorescent lights all day.
When I got it home, and shut off the lights... Not much glowing lol, nope... So I shone my high powered flashlight on it for a bit for this photo..... Not sure if all that time in the shop, exposed to light 'killed', toned down it's ability to 'glow'..... It's still damn cool and another great addition to my esteemed 'H.P. Lovecraft' collection....

End of transmission

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