Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Yes, yes my friends tomorrow I celebrate a major anniversary!

13 years on YouTube!
I don't even recall how I found 'YouTube'.... Maybe some science or tech website I went to... Who knows. But I did have a camera at the time, not my Panasonic, it was a SONY Handicam.

The idea wasn't new, even if YouTube was only a year old, the "vlog" was born and I probably saw some people vlogging and thought..."Hey, my life with arthritis is pretty fucked up, there seems to have always been a camera of some sort in my face since the DreamKick days (Peter has like 40/50 VHS tapes filled with DK insanity, then Mike had his camera in the shop while we worked for Lindala MakeUp FX).... SO why not document my 'struggles'"....

At the time, I had just come out of fighting with the insurance company and was trying to adjust to methotrexate for the first time and then, as it does now, it made me sick.....andddd.. I kinda documented those moments... Don't worry though for this 'Anniversary' no puking vids... But, I am planning to go through tonight and try and pick some 'favorite' |Dvlog episodes.

But, to kick things off... No, actually I'm gonna wait and so are you!

But, we will kick things off where it all began with Dvlog Episode 1..... Stay tuned (tomorrow)

Oh, I meant to do this, but I didn't.... Happy Birthday to my May Birthday brother's and sister's!

Today: Kirk Stephens, Fabian Kelly, Tammy McKay and Erika Walls!

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