Friday, May 31, 2019

I DOn't KNow If This One Will Work or Not

I uploaded this new chipmunk video of Sweetie and Lil Guy, and it said it was 'processed' but had a message that said it was "Set to private".... Except, it wasn't set to private... I was set to Public... So I set it to 'Private' and the message went away, indication that setting it on Private and had made it Public..... See the conundrum here?

So, if this video is not viewable, lemme know:

Evil Has Landed! - Gaa'hls Wyrd!


Arrived this morning! Man, USPS and Canada Posts tracking was WHACK! And also weird or should I say.... 'Wyrd', The Seasons Of Mist website says this album wasn't delivered because of a manufacturing problem... LOL Guess I'm lucky... Sez "postponed indefinitely due to supplier not delivering it yet"....

While the band had released 3/4 tracks from the album with the first track being released months ago and then I found about a week ago that Seasons of Mist had the entire album up for listening on YouTube, I held off listening to any more of the it and it was well worth the wait!

Haunting, is the best word I can use to describe 'GastiR Ghosts Invited'. On some tracks Gahhl 'sings' in true Norwegian Black Metal style, yet in other tracks he's actually singing, which as I've said kinda reminds me of Nick Cave and other '80's 'Goth' influences.

Gaahl's Wyrd is certainly Norwegian Black Metal, but Gaahl has mixed in what I'd say is an homage to '80's Goth Rock... A bit of The Mission, Sisters of Mercy and Nick Cave.

Fuckin' brilliant!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

I Don't Get Angry Often....

And this is a pretty silly thing to blow up about, but sometimes, it's the little things that get to us.

I don't need to write how important music is to me. It's a given. It's blood, it's alcohol, it's air to me.. I need music.

I try to invest in the best headphones I can afford, my most recent pair are Sennheisers- I think they might have been around $70/$80? Not bad, not outrageous... And they are really nice, had a great balance of everything I need. Loved them. Probably best headphones I've had yet.
I think I've had them for maybe 2 or 3 years. I take care of them, I am gentle with them, they are my ears when I'm out.

Today, as I'm about to leave I get my phone ready, what song, pop the headphone jack in the input, put them on, turn around and.... The right headphone cuts out... I'm thinking, 'oh, it might be just disconnected a bit'.... Check it, nope, it's fine.. mamipulate the cord to the jack a little, both headphones work... Then then the right headphone cuts out again.... And that was it.

I was furious. Even scared Elsa a bit. I don't get mad that often or really angry, frustrated, sure, all the time, but mad? No... Today, yes.... I'm not sure, but the methotrexate might work on my nerves a bit as I've found I've been a lil moody and quick tempered recently, which is not me at all.
I even hit something. I never 'hit' anything in anger, because I'm generally not angry....

It's my biggest pet peeve about headphones.... In all this time, they've not figured out how to stop that fucking 'disconnect' that seems to happen right were the wire for the headphones hit the jack, that connection in there seems to get bent a lot and evidently it'll cause a Right or Left headphones audio to go 'on and off'.....

So, the Sennheisers are dead.... I did have a pair of ear bud headphones, but they are next to useless in my ears.,
See something a lot of people don't notice about me are my incredibly tiny, almost baby like ears, I have fucking tiny ears and the ear canal seems to be effected by this small size because ear buds will NOT stay in my left ear, they constant pop out. I considered Crazy Glueing that earbud in today.....

Fucking technology!! FIX the GODDAMN headphone/jack problem!!! Oh and make longer lasting batteries for stuff!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Near Death Experience.... And latent Birthday Gifts From... Me!

Yeah, so Nancy and I are crossing at the light outside the Sobeys on Regent and some person, (does it matter what sex?) totally was not watching us crossing and was trying to turn off McLeod dr. heading up Regent... People started honking at her... Oops them... and the person finally stopped, yet seemed to be angry at us, crossing on a WHITE crossing light for ourselves...

Fredericton,  EVERY SINGLE ONE of you should have to go get your license again EVEN if you THINK you are a great driver... Not 10 minutes before that another 'person' was driving UP the wrong way on Brunswick, NB plates... I, as we're crossing as she's passing us and pointing, '1 way'... and then she faces all the traffic coming at her ... OOPS at them... and starts honking their horn at the people coming at them...... WTF???

Just before my BD I had ordered the Sex Pistols legendary album 'Never Mind The Bollocks'... I'm not a big 'classic' Punk fan. Never have been a big fan of the Sex Pistols or the Clash, The Slits or The Damned... The Ramones HELL YES, Black Flag.... Like Hardcore? Hell yeah...

But I recently went down a Sex Pistols rabbit hole, and decided that 'Never Mind....' should be in my collection.
I also watched 'Sid And Nancy'..... Obviously, it's a fucked movie, it's about two junkie lovers... I just ain't into that scene and I found the movie, especially once he moves to the US with Nancy, really dry, boring and grating (Much like Trainspotting... How is a story about junkies, puking and dying a great thing to watch?).. But hey, that's what the story was, that was/is the life of a heroin junkie.. And I saw enough of those in Vancouver to last me a lifetime... Still, obviously highly influential to soooo many bands and genres of music, 'Never Mind.,...' is a fantastic album. I think that 'Pretty Vacant' is the quintessential Punk Rock song... 'God Save the Queen' is probably the most 'popular' along with 'Holiday In The Sun'...Heck even The Wasteland Zombies covered 'Anarchy in the UK'... *cough* The Megadeth version....

And then back in February I pre-ordered a pretty crazy record from Norway.

Many people who watched the documentary 'Metal: A Headbangers Journey' is well familiar with the scene on Norwegian Black Metal of the evil looking dude, in his wine cellar, lit by candles, shot in black and white and Sam Dunn, the films director, producer asks this man "What inspires Gorgoroth?" and the man ponders the question, then says:

That's Gaahl.... And I'm not a huge Gorgoroth fan, I don't own any of their stuff. But when I heard Gaahl's new solo material, it was a must have... Haunting and evil, it's like a mix of Nick Cave and Norwegian Black Metal.... Due for release May 31st (But on it's way to me now): 'Gaahl's Wyrd' - GastiR - Ghosts Invited
So, that album should be arriving any day now....

Here's a sample from the album:

He doesn't 'sing' every song like that, there's some more traditional 'Black Metal' sounding songs... Stoked for this one! It's weird!

Be good!! lol Thanks again for the Birthday wishes!!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The BIG Thank You!

To all of you, once again, thank you for all the birthday wishes and greetings and presents!

Just got back from Scott & Andrea's. Scott made an exquisite mole pablano, which, I didn't know we had a family recipe for, but they had actually lost it for years... Scott thought that when I brought it up that I had been around when he'd made it last, before they lost track of the recipe... But I know the dish from a Summer in Vancouver and had never had our recipe, which Scott said that friends from Mexico that had tasted his, said it was better than their own grandmother's! My story was set in Vancouver
Mike and I had house sat a coworkers place who lived in Kit's beach area and one day while we were drinking and staggering around, we found this Mexican bar/restaurant and I ordered the dish there...

I mean, chocolate and chicken? It's like chocolate and peanut butter or cookies and milk... SOOO Good!

After dinner I opened some presents, which were an Amazon gift card and Metallica's remastered 'Kill 'Em All' on vinyl (which I am currently blasting out my stereo!)

And I wanted to share this video of Elsa kinda playing with the present Jen brought me last evening.
Sometimes hard to tell if she likes a 'toy' or if it's just annoying her lol

(Da'ts non-alcohol or at least low alcohol beer)

Twas a fantastic birthday weekend, got to spend time with family and friends. Weather was perfect yesterday... Got some nice gifties and had a some great food. What else could one ask for.... (Don't say 'hookers and blow....)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Some Quality Time With 'Sweetie' - New Chipmunk Vid

Fack ,this nausea. I've had to smoke up, let's see.... 7 or 8 times today. Thrown up twice.

At least for once I got in some alone time with Sweetie. Usually Lil' Guy is running back and forth, so I don't get a chance to let Sweetie get to know me. But I've had at least 3 times now where Sweetie and Lil' Guy were no more than feet away from, each other and I pacified them both with peanuts.. Although, one time once Lil' Guy got his peanuts and Sweetie had hers Lil' Guy decide to put the run to Sweetie, usually it's been the other way around, but he chased her right through the backyard.

So this evening I went out and Lil Guy wasn't around, so Sweetie got my full attention.

So lots to look forward to on my BD weekend. Saturday a dinner with friends, kinda open ended to who wants to attend, but Pizza Delight ain't a big place. Then Sunday I'm having dinner at my oldest brother Scott's place and usually Scott, Andrea and I go out for supper, but I had a special request for this birthday. Scott and Andrea are awesome cooks and I've had a hankering for a dish you can't seem to find anywhere and that's mole pablano, it's a chicken dish but the sauce has chocolate in it... It's sooooo good! Providing the chocolate shines through in the taste, not too much! But I'm sure Scott'll do an amazing job,

Tomorrow is finally gonna be nice out, but then rain Friday and then sun on my birthday, rain Sunday, it is Spring.. So we can't complain too much.

Celebrating 13 Years of YouTube Videos

Dvlog Numero Uno: July 23rd 2006 - Note: I know, I know, look, I'm doing this anniversary thing from the date I signed up to YouTube. otherwise we'd just be celebrating my Dvlog videos, which I have a lot more videos than just Dvlogs... Anyhoo: Here's where it all began.... yesterday I explained that I had 'found' YouTube somehow and ended up deciding to use the camera I had to start to document my life, dealing with my arthritis and the medications I was on and any if the 'craziness' that happens to pop it's head up frequently in my life.

Episode #25 - As you can see in between Dvlog Episode #1 and #25 I now had an 'intro'... A buddy of mine on an old forum I was a member of, wrote me a 'theme song'....
Also in this video is my sweet husky Alita. First you see her eating watermelon and then as I'm talking she's licking my knee. Alita 'knew' of my pain, she'd ALWAYS try to lick my knees and feet/toes because they were the worst and MAYBE, just maybe in her doggy mind she might have figured out that my knees and feet were the worst of my problems... Hard to say, never got my universal husky dog / huemahn voice translator working....

Episode #58 - A little rant about global warming, some lava lamp footage and....
- -

Episode # 31 - NO! These ain't in order.. OK, they will be from here on out... Some great footage of Alita and Piggey Sue 'play fighting' and the first edition of 'What's Up With That D?' Where I talk about 'The Punisher' and my fascination with all things... Erm punishing? .....
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Haha Episode #66 - Mr Pill Head - Showing off my 'Saruman's staff', ranting about gun violence and stuff
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Episode #81, Not super special, but it has Alita talking to me... And prep for a BBQ Sunday which was a weekly BBQ with my roomies, well, they got me to BBQ the steaks, they bought the steaks, I BBQ'd them... Oh, also marinaded them the day before
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Dvlog #125 - More awesome Alita footage + Vancouver 'snowstorm' footage and another BBQ Sunday!:
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Episode #186  - Alita is on the 6 o'clock news!!
-  -

Episode #188 - See I get out! Video of an adventure to Mike Fields place, remember now, this was like 2007... So none of this exists anymore ..... There's some REALLY cool shit in this video

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'My Wildest Dreams' Tour - Iron Maiden in Irvine California
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One of the last videos before Piggey Sue passed away. So cute when she cleaned Alita.....

- -
One of Elsa's first video.. Such a cute kitten.. Crazy as fuck.. But cute

This is a short weird one, well ok, they are all 'weird'.. I'm weird... But there was this old dude that people called 'Santa Claus' that started to appear in the neighborhood and I started to encounter him on my walks with Alita, so I thought I'd try to 'interview' him.... Didn't go so well>..

And just a couple more 'big ones' before we are done this 13th year YouTube celebration!!

This is a YouTube |playlist of my trip to Egypt in 2010 - Don't get more monumental than that!

And my Favorite 'Buddy' chipmunk video!

Thanks for watching!.... If you watched any of them!!! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Yes, yes my friends tomorrow I celebrate a major anniversary!

13 years on YouTube!
I don't even recall how I found 'YouTube'.... Maybe some science or tech website I went to... Who knows. But I did have a camera at the time, not my Panasonic, it was a SONY Handicam.

The idea wasn't new, even if YouTube was only a year old, the "vlog" was born and I probably saw some people vlogging and thought..."Hey, my life with arthritis is pretty fucked up, there seems to have always been a camera of some sort in my face since the DreamKick days (Peter has like 40/50 VHS tapes filled with DK insanity, then Mike had his camera in the shop while we worked for Lindala MakeUp FX).... SO why not document my 'struggles'"....

At the time, I had just come out of fighting with the insurance company and was trying to adjust to methotrexate for the first time and then, as it does now, it made me sick.....andddd.. I kinda documented those moments... Don't worry though for this 'Anniversary' no puking vids... But, I am planning to go through tonight and try and pick some 'favorite' |Dvlog episodes.

But, to kick things off... No, actually I'm gonna wait and so are you!

But, we will kick things off where it all began with Dvlog Episode 1..... Stay tuned (tomorrow)

Oh, I meant to do this, but I didn't.... Happy Birthday to my May Birthday brother's and sister's!

Today: Kirk Stephens, Fabian Kelly, Tammy McKay and Erika Walls!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lil' Guys Become Quite The Piggey

Now that he's figured out that he can sometimes fit up to four peanuts in his cheeks, pacifying him with two or three gets harder.

It's been a wet week or so with another wet week coming our way. Forecast for possible thundershowers this morning and this evening, but ain't seen or heard nuttin' yet.

Of JellyFishBabies, Asexuals & Doughboys

Quite a title eh?

Way back in 1988-89? Peter Rowan, the man who started 'Dressed To Kill' Records as well as being a local promoter of MANY Punk/Hardcore, Alt-Rock and Metal shows in Fredericton who would later go on to manage Sloan and then much more recently Saint John, NB's 'Little You, Little Me' and Fredericton's 'Motherhood', put on a festival called 'The Maritime Independent Music Festival'. My first band K.G. Wolfe was lucky enough to be on the bill of this festival on the Metal/Hardcore Sunday with Neighbourhood Watch, Lizard and some other awesome bands.

But at the Friday night show, I think, might have been Sunday..., a band from Halifax played and I was BLOWN away. I couldn't get the band off my mind for a while, they were called 'The JellyFishBabies'.... After that, I never ever heard of them again.... Never stumbled across their albums, but every so often the memory returns and I search.. Well, it must have been over 5/6 years ago because 4 years ago someone on Youtube seems to have posted a music video made by the JellyFishBabies... Unbelievable!! I hadn't heard this band since that night in Fredericton so long ago... I'd like to try and track down the vinyl this band put out...
Here it is, the only song I could find by this unique sounding band... There's a weird 'Pause' before the song 'Alba' kicks in. Seems this is an upload of the original video shoot file.

The Asexuals played Fredericton off and on through the mid to late 1980's. Around 1993 when they played Fredericton I put them up at the place that Wasteland Zombies guitarist Richard O'Neil and I were renting together. TJ left his ring in the shower and I actually wore it and had hoped to run into him sometime, some day.... But I lost the ring and never ran into TJ again. Like the JellyFishBabies Asexuals were kinda Punk Pop, Post Hardcore maybe? or how about just Alt-Rock I've always been a sucker for harmonies and the Asexuals were another one of those bands that had scores of great hooks and harmonies.

The Asexuals were from Beaconsfield and were part of the Montreal 'Punk' scene. They formed in 1983 and blasted through the years with many line up changes until around 1996.
In 2010 most of the original members did a reunion show in Montreal, Wikipedia says they are still together.... Why the fuck has no one brought them back here? Oh, wait, I know why! Because you can't put a show on here and know whether 3 or 300 people will show up....

The Doughboys people MIGHT be more familiar with. MuchMusic carried their single 'Shine' which was probably their most popular 'hit' ever.
The band formed in Montreal in 1987 and like the Asexuals had a lot of member changes, including a drummer whose name was Jon Bondhead, which I think MAY have been Jesus Bonehead former drummer of the Dayglo Abortions. They did have one other mild 'hit' from their album 'Crush' and that was 'Fix me'. The Doughboys like the Asexuals played Fredericton on and off throughout the mid to late '80's and into the 1990's.

Bands like these were an essential influence for me. Leading me into finding and loving other great Alt Rock/Punk Pop bands, Redd Kross, JellyFish (No relation to JellyFishBabies) and so nany others that had that semi 'Punk' edge mixed with bright harmonies and crazy hooks.

Been a shit few days, I'm glad my brain is still functioning well enough to bring me happy memories from my past. This is my last week at age 46.... Man 47.... 3 to 50..... Where'd the time go?

Friday, May 17, 2019

Lil' Guys New Trick

It's been a while since I took any time to make some chipmunk vids, they've been around, a lot. 'Sweetie' is taking peanuts from my hand, though she's still a little skittish now and then. When the inclement weather and the methotrexate I ain't outside long or much, so they have to get at me while I'm there.

So I sat at the picnic table and knew Lil' Guy would be along shortly, earlier, he'd show up and jump right onto my leg at about knee height, so I put out my leg and see if he'd run right up. Took him a few, but he knew what to do!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

I did actually go on FB and post this (I know! And I didn't burst into flames!), but for those not on my FB or don't go to FB.

Last Fall we played (The Wasteland Zombies that is) the benefit that was put on to raise money for Donnie Robichaud's kids future at Fredericton's Tribute bar & lounge. 12 bands, 12 hours of some of the best of the area's bands well crafted in Rock'N' Roll & Heavy Metal, all of these bands in one or another had members that played with or were an influence on/friends with Donnie musically in his younger days.

They reached and even exceeded the goal of $10 grand for the kids future!

It was an absolutely stunning day... and I say, 'stunning' because it just boggled the mind some of the people who came out of the woodwork. I've been back for 7 and thought I'd seen all my old friends that were still around, but heck no! Some peeps been hiding out! And it was great to see everyone, a lot of memories were shared that day and I think through this video, the guys hoped to capture that feeling and those memories.

Anyhow, enough ramblin' without further adieu;

Rock for Donnie from Richard Redman on Vimeo.

I hope you all enjoy this video and the interviews!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Capital Project Roll Out

Wow! Much more videos than I expected for the roll out! I was thinking about this last night. About writing a small 'review'... But I'm super biased. I haven't been the best of friends for many of my closest friends of late, but Tim is one of my best friends. We've spent a lot of time together and have had some serious discussions about everything you can think of.

I think Tim and I carry a kind of passion for music that's hard to find. There's lots of people who 'love' all genres of music, but I think for Tim and I there's something different about it. Not sure what it is, I don't know how to explain it.... LOL Tim and I are just connected through our love of music and film maybe because we're both adopted... who knows...

The episodes look and sound great. Tim's crew has done a fantastic job mixing the audio of bands that already sound fantastic on their own. Love the editing and flow of each one, this is just the tip of the iceberg folks... Prepare ye!!

I found this interview Tim did with Matt Carter a local music fan and the creator, editor, writer for Grid City Magazine. I think anyone interested in the Capital Project should watch this video because Tim explains a lot about the project and how it will be released on Youtube, plus some more surprises coming up.

Hopefully that will answer some questions people might have about how all of this material is gonna end up available to watch.

I had thought about posting all of the releases, but I'm afraid there will be so many and I don't want to commit to posting everything they post and then not feel well some week and not post it and end up feeling bad i'm not posting them lol...

So, here's the first videos that came out, they are on Youtube under 'The Capital Project', so I'll trust all of you to find them on your own after.
The best thing you can do is 'Subscribe' and 'Like' and SHARE... This is our community and it'll help everyone is this is sent to as many people as each of us can.
Have friends who used to live here? Send them the links! Share the videos!

I'm so very proud of Tim and the crew and what they've accomplished. I've been lucky to have helped on the project and been able to sit with Tim while he's editing and watch the magic come alive to what we have here available today.

SO here's some of the first Capital Videos! Enjoy our rich history and fantastic talent!

Ahh El Grant and the gang. Growing up, watching these guys, being inspired by them as a kid. It's great to see them in the first video of the series.

My friends at CHSR!

So keep your eyes peeled and lol, I'll post episodes I appear in,,,. Hey someone's got to stroke my ego these days! Might as well be me!

Now I'm gonna go barf.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Capital Project Rolls Out Tomorrow (May 15)

That's right, I know it's been a long wait with snipets and teasers here and there, but tomorrow Raynemaker Productions 'The Capital Project' webseries begins to roll out tonight @ Midnight (May 15)

As I've said almost every time I've written about Tim's project, it's been a MASSIVE undertaking and was even shooting up probably until weeks ago, if not even still being shot.

As Tim 'dug' deeper into the local scene, so much was uncovered and so many stories needed to be told.

Now of course, not everyone's story could be told, but I think Tim and his team have certainly tried to capture everything the best they could and I know I won't be disappointed, I don't think anyone else will be disappointed, there just way too many great stories to be told.

It's been truly an honor that he asked myself and The Wasteland Zombies to be part of the project, to have a spot on the soundtrack (still available on LP) was a MASSIVE honor and for me, a bit of a dream come true. That the band is now immortalized on a soundtrack that contains so many great bands, such incredible talent and history, well, lol it's more than an honor.
Again I'm not sure where, when or if the band or I will appear in the series, but even with out us lol, there's so much to see and learn and you'll be entertained!

SO! Can you help? YES! You Can!

I'm going to 'Copy and Paste' a message from Tim and the Raynemaker Productions team.

It’s finally happening! The Capital Project is alive! We’re rolling out May 15th and we couldn’t be more excited to share this project with you all! We’re hoping you’re going to want to share it too. We wanted to provide you all with some resources to help make sharing The Capital Project online easier. This is a collaboration project that relies heavily on the community involved so we need to do our best to support one another!

It helps to get a better understand of what the vision of The Capital Project is if you’re going to talk about it so here a summary of what the project is about.
The Capital Project is a documentary series about the inner workings of an eclectic local music scene, that examines the relationship between music, the artist, and the community. It is both a full length documentary as well as a mini series that closely examines different aspects of the music scene.

While The Capital Project is spearheaded by the Director and Producer, it is truly a community project involving over 100 New Brunswick band performances and over 200 interviews with bands, solo musicians, music educators, musical theatre performers, festival organizers, venue owners and music promoters.

It was inspired by the music scene that has been taking place in the Fredericton, New Brunswick over the last few years. Although small in population, the city is rich in musical talent across a wide range of genres including rock, punk, hip-hop, metal, country, pop, jazz, classical, and everything in-between.

The name refers to 3 different parts of a whole; The Capital City, Creative Capital and Human Capital  (also The Capital Complex)


Facebook -

YouTube -

Instagram -

Twitter -

Key Dates and Times:

May 15th Launch Day

Local & World Renowned Nuclear Physicist and Leading UFOlogist Stanton Friedman Passed Away

Someone had sent me a link to Stanton Friedman's "Offcial FB Fan Club" page and there I learned that Stanton Friedman, the World's leading authority on the Roswell UFO crash, had passed away yesterday (May 13).

Not sure how he passed away. He had had a heart issue about 3 or 4 years ago, so perhaps that played some part.... There's NO official news at the time I'm writing this, so, who knows, maybe it's someone's sick idea of a 'joke' and someone had 'hacked' the fan page and posted something that would be horrible if untrue... It has happened to other celebrities and public figures.

I had met Dr. Friedman twice. Once while vising from Vancouver. Before I had left, Mike Fields and I had been toying around with a couple of movie script ideas. One was 'Mutant Baby' and the other was an 'alien abduction' horror movie and we'd talked about contacting Dr. Friedman and asking if he might consider being an adviser for the film.

So I get home here to Fredericton and I'm downtown standing outside of a computer store on Queen St., when who rolls up and parks right in front of me? Stanton Friedman...

I greeted him on the sidewalk, introducing myself and we spoke a bit about the X-Files and spoke briefly about him being an adviser. He gave me his card and that was about it. Mike and I never completed the alien abduction script, I did finish the 'Mutant Baby' script, but after a friend and former co-worker at whose house we had our own 'after work' shop at took off with our prototype for Mutant baby and just about all of our story-boards... We never got back on track to try and make the movie a reality.

I met Stanton Friedman again a couple of years ago. But it was just a short friendly chat and then we parted ways.

I can remember when we were working on the tv shows and Mike and I had started collecting the UFO magazines, we had seen Stanton's name and address in one of the magazines and were kinda blown away to see that he lived in Fredericton... We couldn't wrap our heads around WHY, this nuclear physicist and UFOlogist, who was born in the US, was living in sleepy little Fredericton. As it turns out the woman he married was from here. Small world!

Stanton Friedman, like I said was the leading expert on the Rosewell UFO 'incident' and had written a number of books, been on many documentaries, spoke at probably thousands of conventions and speaking engagements.

He'll be missed by the UFO community and by residents of Fredericton.

1934 - 2019

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Mighty Saint John River In Reverse Flow!

Yes, yes my friends! A couple times a day, when the Atlantic tide comes in, it is so powerful that it forces the water of the Saint John river, in the opposite direction!

This happens quite frequently, but it seems infrequently that I've ever caught it in action.

That's some pretty mighty power to make an entire river flow backwards, especially since there's still some Spring run-off added to the mix. At one point the river is kinda jumbling back and forth, I think they call that 'brakish' water, because it mixes the fresh (LOL Fresh my ass) water with the salt water.


What Kind Of New Brunswick Metal-Head Are You?

What kind of New Brunswick Metal-Head are you if you don't have these four records?

This album is sonic mayhem. Each album the boys get tighter, heavier, louder, faster and sicker!

Well? Get out there and buy the new 'Hard Charger' at Backstreet Records! It fuckin' RIPS!!

Vol.4 - Take The Guff And Suffer

Also available at the Hard Charger bandcamp page:

Also! This week, 'The Capital Project' Series starts on Youtube!
Go 'Subscribe' so you don't miss an episode!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

We've All Been So Patient and Last Evening 'Sweetie' Gave Us The Reward

With the exceptions of 'Buddy' and 'Lil Guy', it's taken a lot of patience for some of the chipmunks to trust me.
Albeit this is the 'first' time 'Sweetie' took a peanut from my hand, that might not be completely true. As I'm sure, that she was the first chipmunk I saw earlier in the Spring.. And back then, she did take peanuts from my hand, but for some reason either 'forgot' or somehow started to not trust me... Maybe she heard me yelling at 'Jerkface the Wonder squirrel'....

Anyhow, last evening my patience was rewarded... Enjoy:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Short On Everything

Short post. Wednesday is write off day. So I do as little as I need to. I actually didn't throw up today, but I've been smoking a lot more marijuana to try and curb the nausea and vomiting and it does help.

In anticipation and celebration of the news today that TOOL's new album will be out on August 30th (with hopefully a single or two before that), let's Rock out to some TOOL.

Forty Six & 2

Join in my... join in my child
And listen... digging through my old numb shadow

My shadow's... shedding skin
I've been picking... scabs again
I'm down, digging through
My old muscles, looking for a clue

I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been
I've been wallowing in my own confused
And insecure delusions
For a piece to cross me over
Or a word to guide me in
I wanna feel the changes coming down
I wanna know what I've been hiding

In my shadow
My shadow
Change is coming through
My shadow
My shadow's
Shedding skin
I've been picking
My scabs again

Join in my... join in my child
Shadow's... closer to meaning

I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been
I've been wallowing in my own chaotic
And insecure delusions
I wanna feel the change consume me
Feel the outside turning in
I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
Cleansing I've endured within

My shadow
My shadow
Change is coming
Now is my time
Listen to my muscle memory
Contemplate what I've been clinging to
Forty-six and two ahead of me

I... choose to live and to
Grow... take and give and to
Move... learn and love and to
Cry... kill and die and to
Be... paranoid and to
Lie... hate and fear and to
Do... what it takes to move through
I... choose to live and to
Lie... kill and give and to
Die... learn and love and to
Do... what it takes to step through

See my shadow changing
Stretching up and over me
Soften this old armor
Hoping I can clear the way by
Stepping through my shadow
Coming out the other side
Step into the shadow
Forty six and two are just ahead of me

Forty Six & 2 lyrics © BMG Gold Songs, Toolshed Music, Emi Music Publishing France, EMI VIRGIN MUSIC, INC., EMI VIRGIN MUSIC, INC. O/B/O TOOLSHED MUSIC

After 13 Years, The Wait Is Almost Over

It's official. The band has been playing two new songs at the last couple of shows they've played at the beginning of this tour. 
I know a lot of people won't believe it, as TOOL has been dropping hints over the last 13 years, but, last month band members were pictured at the mixing studio in Maine, then at the last two shows, before the encore "TOOL August 30th" flashed on video screens, and then during the encore Maynard was telling the audience to be sure to share that date on social media and after the show TOOL's official Twitter account also put out the August 30th date (I hate the word 'tweeted').

I got a feeling people are really going to destroy this album. It's a lot of 'pressure', people have been waiting for 13 years and in that time they've become cranky, jaded and bitter. If you bring up the band's name they'll spit scathing vitriol about them never going to complete the album or it not even a thought of the band, whose members have their time outside of TOOL filled with all kinds of other 'art' that they create.

I"m sure I'm going to love it. I've heard the new tracks that were posted from live shows and well they are TOOL sounding tunes, they've not done an abrupt change of style, it would appear 13 years later they are picking up where they left off, creating mind blowing music.

I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Night 'N ' Day - The Yard At Night, Bees In the Basement and NO Chipmunk footage!

The Yard is complete!

So, bees! yeah, crawlin' around my basement... My neighbor plugged up a hole outside my apartment about a week ago, and I had attempted to plug it up a week before that. Anyhow, the hole last Summer was used by some bumble bees for a home base and we didn't want it again this year, so, we plugged up the hole.. So I'm guessing the bees I'm seeing in the basement are new blood for this year? 
We thought they didn't use the same nest twice... But maybe these somehow hatched in the last couple weeks as the weather got better... I dunno...

Brad and I searched every room and hole, no sign of bees lol then he knocked a bunch of stuff over right by where we knew the bee's doorway was lol and I said, 'Well, IF they were there, then we'd probably be crawling over each other to get the fuck out of here' lol....I think it's just some stragglers.

Rain is coming they say,, I can feel it. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Another Sun Filled Day

See, that's the thing about our fierce and evil Winters. They make you appreciate the Spring, Summer and a bit of Fall so much more.

Was out and about, first evening walk of the 'season' and of course, more chipmunk mayhem

If you want to skip right to the 'mayhem' stat at: 3:48

Get out and enjoy the Sun and wonderful weather. I spent the evening out back with the crazy 'munks.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Backyard Mayhem!

This was a Summer like day, already warm enough for shorts at 11am. Was a great day, got the solar mini lights up along with the lanterns, washed down the patio furniture... I actually was pretty good today, my knee was bad, so i wore my brace, but I'm feeling more beat up now than at any point today, so tomorrow might be a write off.

It was totally worth it, backyard is set for Summer!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Spring Cleaning Day...

So freakin' sore and beat. lol and that's already... Tomorrow and Monday could be real bad. You know how when you work out or do some strenuous activity that your body ain't used to and it's like maybe not the next day it hits you but the one after that?... Yeah that's where I'm heading and they way I feel now, it could be a doozy... But, like I said in the previous vid, it all hurts, no matter if I'm out there helping, doing a bit of raking or not. I mean, I'd probably hurt less if I did fuck all, but there's a sense of accomplishment in doing some tidying up... The boxes in the basement, I had meant that to be a Winter chore lol and never did it. The plan was, break down all those boxes in the Winter, when the basement is cold and the spiders and creepy basement crawlees are dead.... Still worked out ok...

Anyhow, here's the vid, and as said at the end of this vid, I'm headin to fall down somewhere....

Yesterday.... Seems my troubles were so far away...

Yesterday's events...

Ugh, beat into the Earth, got up, helped clean up the yard with my neighbors.  Did a bunch of ransacking in my basement, all the boxes are gone, 3 huge garbage bags of old clothes and sheets/bedding... Huge day and I'm paying for it already lol... So tomorrow I suspect I'll be wiped out completely... Or it could be Monday... Who knows... But I feel like I accomplished a lot... and that's a good feeling.

Now, where's that open grave I saw.....

Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood.... & 'Midsommer' A New 'Scary' Movie That Looks Kinda Cool

Yeah beautiful Spring day, was out and about.. Check the video.

Tonight heading out with Ciaron Lewis to check out the new 'The Avengers' movie. I think I've seen Infinite War like 6 times at least... So stoked to see what they do here... Would have liked to seen Captain Marvel, but she had flown away from our theaters before I gots the chance.

I don't think Cap Marvel has too much to do with 'End Game' (the new Avengers) but all of these 'tie in' with each other in some way or another.

Don't worry, I won't post any spoilers....

OH! I saw a trailer for a crazy movie last night... From the director of what was 'dubbed' "The Exorcist of the 2000's" 'Hereditary'... This new movie he's seems to step further into the realm of secret cults and supernatural worship... That's my kinda shit.. It's not a Witchcraft movie, but it looks pretty wicked

Everyone said 'Hereditary' was super scary.. But they also said that 'The Witch' was super scary... But I found both just to be cool movies.. I liked 'Hereditary' much more than 'The Witch'.... But it's great we're getting some 'horror' genre flicks that are not jsut straight up gore fests... I've seen me enough 'gore' to last me a couple generations, so that kinda movie don't do much for me, I want something with some meat to it, a great haunting, eerie frightening story... I'm thinking 'Midsommar' MAY be it.

It all remains... to be seen!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Some stuff 'n Things.

Boon Gould the bassist for the '80's Synth Pop/Funk Pop group 'Level 42' passed away. He was found dead at his home at age 64.
I had always wondered about Boon. While I am sure there were probably other songs in which he had bigger parts to play, the couple of my favorite 'hits' by Level 42 didn't have much guitar in them and I'd wondered how it felt to be in a band where it seemed that his role ever decreasingly got smaller and small as Level 42 played more "Synth pop" and songs that were more bass and keyboard driven.

Of course Level 42 is chiefly known for their bassist Mark 'Thunder thumbs' King, who is one of the Worlds top rated bass guitar players. And the later incarnations of the band slowly over time lost it's founding members Boon and Boon's brother Phil, who played drums and keyboardist Mike Lindup and it soon seemed like it was the 'Mark King' band.... But I'm not totally sure of the politics, so I'll let sleeping dogs lie.

Anyhow, I can't say I was a Level 42 fan, the 'hits' 'Something About You' and 'Lessons In Love', the other songs were way too 'Poppy' for me and I just didn't find they had the same likability as their 'hits'.
RIP Boon Gould 1955-2019

Jerkface The Wonder Squirrel -

Not much for vids of late, having been feeling well.... Saw my doctor the yesterday, just to get meds refilled, but told her I thought the methotrexate was working even though it makes me vomit and knocks me off my feet for a couple days. She thought it was good news that it's working and thought that even though it's working that my rheumatologist or dermatologist would put me on something else... But I told her, that didn't make sense... And especially in regards to the biologicals, as to get 'funding/backing/coverage' for those meds like Enbrel or Humiria, They want one to 'fail' two medications before they'll fund you on theirs (the costs for each dose are thousands of dollars, no shit, check it out:
Subcutaneous Solution
25 mg/0.5 ml

Enbrel subcutaneous solution
 from $2,709.36
for 2.04 milliliters

50 mg/mL
Enbrel subcutaneous solution
 from $5,410.22
for 3.92 milliliters

Quantity Per unit Price
3.92 (4 x 0.98 milliliters) $1,380.16 $5,410.22

OK, so that's a couple of doses, but it's ridiculous.... But they will cover people who can't afford it. providing like I said, you fail on less expansive meds like methotrexate or Arava.... and all of them got nasty side effects.

yeah, so the chipmunks are just two for now.. I imagine they'll knock up some honey's and they'll push out some teet suckers and soon I'll be feeding a bunch of these silly critters.

Jerkface and his brother.. or sister, 'Assmunch' have been around.. I leave plates of nuts and corn for the 'munks, but I can't stop the squirrels all the time, so they get some and when I'm around and they show up, Jerkface still always tries to impress me by 'walking like a huemahn'....

Ciaron Lewis and I are going to go see the new 'Avengers' movie tomorrow night. I've been a big fan of all the Marvel movies and I've stoked to see this 'End Game'... I have read the 'Infinite Wars' series of graphic novels, but they have and haven't completely followed the same storyline.

For instance in the last 'Avengers' movie 'Infinite War', when the Hulk 'crashes; to Earth in the comic book version its actually the Silver Surfer. So I'm betting this ending will not be quite like it is in the comic book series.
Hopefully it'll be good. I don't go to theaters much... Always tend to like watching flicks in the comfort of my own home where there's no one talking, coughing, sneezing, kicking my seat... BUT I do enjoy the 'big screen' and also the '3D' aspect of the theater experience.
I haven't seen Ciaron in a while, so it'll be great to catch up.. See what's happening with Neighbourhood Watch and the Punk scene.

My good friend Johnny James was by last week for a visit, was good to see him and get a quick update on what the Metal scene's been up to.

Alright, nausea rising again, time to lay down ... again... lol my 'Wednesday's now consist of throwing up around 8 am, about 12 hourse after I've taken the methotrexate, then smoking weed to try and killed ht nausea, then sleeping, then waking up, throwing up, smoking some pot, try to eat, smoke some more pot, pass out.. repeat....

Oh, I picked up this 'Cthulhu' 'glow in the dark' piggey bank the other day.

LOL, looks like it glows pretty awesome eh? Well... NO.... The guy at 'Strange |Adventures' said that it "glows like mad! In the Fall, when I close up the shop, and it's super dark early, it lights up the back of the shop".... Well, that's probably from sitting under the fluorescent lights all day.
When I got it home, and shut off the lights... Not much glowing lol, nope... So I shone my high powered flashlight on it for a bit for this photo..... Not sure if all that time in the shop, exposed to light 'killed', toned down it's ability to 'glow'..... It's still damn cool and another great addition to my esteemed 'H.P. Lovecraft' collection....

End of transmission

Every Single Wednesday

Every Wednesday so long as I'm on this putrid medication.. bleehhhh

Feel Like Shit...Deja Vu
Suicidal Tendencies

Don't you tell me that I'm dreaming 'cause I've been here
But that don't mean that I want to be from here anymore!

Cause I feel like shit-but who are you to say
I don't know I had to have a right to feel this way
I feel like shit-time after time
So don't be trying to tell me it's all in my mind
I feel like shit-but you don't really care
Except my God he used a four letter word in there

I feel like shit-what am I to you?
I feel like shit. Deja vu!
And when I feel like shit, I feel like shit!

I feel like shit-I'm sorry to say
Do you fuckin' think I like feeling this way
I feel like shit-what do you expect me to do
I feel like shit, deja vu!

This ain't my imagination
Lost all thoughts and concentration
Time goes on day after day
But still If feel the same fuckin' way!
Feel like shit, deja vu!

Always feeling out of place
Hiding behind a smiling face
There just ain't no pretty words
Can't you see it fuckin' hurts!

You know I feel like shit-deja vu
Feel like shit-deja vu
Feel like shit-deja vu
And when I feel like shit I feel like shit

Composed by
Rocky George, Mike Muir

Release Year
1989 Copyright