Monday, June 18, 2018

Still Plugged Up

So, after trying the snake a few more times, our fix-it guy went over to the neighbors side to check out the situation there..

So, a little background here. This house is old... I'm not sure how old, maybe late '50's.. '60's? And at some point my 'addition' was built on. My kitchen sink sits at the far end of the house, I can't say how far from the original plumbing, but my kitchen sink drain line, goes down into my basement, below my floor over to the neighbors side, where I am guessing, and I ain't no plumber, but it is then tapped into the original plumbing... So, on my neighbor's side, he checked it out and it is clogged solid.

Now at this point, I felt bad. Like I said, my sink has, 'holes' in it, like a grate of sorts, so I can't shove 'big' debris down there.. Sure, I rinse off some cat food, some bits of food have gone down there, but I've never crammed anything I felt after like, 'Oh, I shouldn't have tried to cram that down the sink'... Anyhow, he's gotta check with our landlady and see what can be done... The line that runs from my sink, is pretty level, so it's feasible, because it's not much of an incline that debris has just built up and built up until it was clogged. Our fix it guy said it is my "fault" in the sense that I'm the renter, I use that sink, but he chalked it up to "wear and tear" by any tenant and that if it wasn't me, it would have been whomever else might have lived here.
So, kitchen sink is still outa service, which is a pain in the ass as I can't really do dishes.. My bathroom sink is pretty tiny and awkward, the tub is a pain in the ass to wash dishes in... So, I gotta live with what it is. I have some plans for later this week, hopefully we can resolve this before then.

So I threw on some tunes that make me wanna break stuff! Ever hear a crazy Metal song that just makes you wanna get up and tear shit up?? This song works for me!

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