Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, to my Dad and all the 'Dads' I know, not to be confused with all the 'Dave's I know' (Kid's In The Hall joke)....

Had a great day! Andrea picked me up and I went over to my Brother Scott's for their annual Father's Day lobster feast! Sooo good and so good to see everyone! Thanks so much to Scott & Andrea for having me along!

Came home, my neighbor had just mowed the backyard, so i raked up all the damn pinecones, been sooo windy lately, between that and the snowfall of whatever seeds those are that are falling all over the city... But the pinecones you'll turn your ankle on!

My sink's still plugged.... Got backed up Thursday evening. tried plunging it, no good. Got some Drano™ and that didn't do squat, so I had to call in back up... The house fix-it guy was nice enough to come on Friday evening at the last minute... He ran out and got some crazy industrial shit, like scary caustic stuff! He put that down the sink, we waited the "3 minutes" it said to do on the bottle, then he tried to run the water to 'clear' the sink, but it just filled the sink up with the caustic shit and 4 hours later... The water was still in the sink, so somehow, the kick ass pro drain cleaner made it worse!!
So I tried using the rest of the caustic shit throughout the day on Saturday until I'd polished off the bottle and still no good, still plugged... When i got home from Scott and Andrea's, I walked in the house and almost vomited... Somethin' stank.. I thought it was maybe the cats litter box, so i quicly hobbled to Sobeys and picked up some litter, came home, went downstairs to clean Elsa's litter box and it wasn't her litter box that was the source of the stench... it was the damn sink! Stagnant water with whatever's in there, plus the drain cleaners... YUK!
The house fix-it guy will be here tomorrow sometime with a snake to git in there... My sink has, I dunno what they are called, but like a grate to stop big shit from going down there and I'm no dummy, I don't try to cram stuff down the sink, so I have NO clue, what the hell is cloggin it up... Probably a demon or something....

Happy Father's day ya'll! Hope ya's got to spend time with the man that brought ya into the World!

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