Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Check This Schiznit Out!

Ok, I guess when you get older, simpler things amuse minds getting simpler.

Everyone who knows me should know by now, I'm into a lot of things. I've lived at this place for about 7 years now... Crazy, 7 years!|
Out back of my place and across from Queens Square, there's an old brick building. Several companies have business' there. The place has an old chimney, I imagine hearkening back to the days when brick buildings needed big 'ol furnaces to keep their employees warm in the cold New Brunswick Winter months.
Nowadays, these chimneys are no longer in use and in some places torn down. What a lot of people don't know is that these chimneys can be a habitat for different bird and bat species. The chimney in this building currently houses 'Chimney Swifts'.

Kinda sparrow looking, these small birds come out each evening to feed on airborne insects. In some places they can flock in the hundreds, maybe thousands. For years we've seen them from around the end of April into the Fall each evening they are out. Some evenings they've attracted crowds of people and CBC, and the local newspapers (which I won't dignify naming them) carried stories on this area and these little insect eaters.

Tonight I was out and noticed that there seemed to be a lot more of a racket than usual coming from the sky. I don't know if it is the weather tonight that attracted even more of them or why there were so many, but there was a heckuva lot.
I took out my cell to capture this, so it's not the best video, but watch closely, you'll see them and you'll certainly hear them!

In other news.

Thursday night is the second screening of the Capital Project. I'm not too sure on the gist of this one. I know it's at the Charlotte St. Arts Center and it's part of the National College & Community Radio Conference that CHSR-FM is hosting for the first time since 1994 (The Wasteland Zombies actually played a showcase for the '94 conference). So tomorrow I'm heading to Tim Rayne's to check out a 'preview' of this edit and I'll be at the showing on Thursday.

In this edit Tim will showcase a segment on CHSR and the part the station has played in the history of local Indie Music in Fredericton and the area. Quite excited to see how all the interviews turned out!

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