Sunday, June 3, 2018


So yesterday I was looking through some old films to watch and a couple of weeks ago I had watched a great movie made in 1994 called 'Faust'. Based off of classic German legend about an alchemist who makes a pact with the devil.
I had known that there were previous films about and named 'Faust', but had never watched them, being a fan of really old black and white films, even so old they had no audio, I chose to watch a very early version of 'Faust' made in 1926.

What an absolute gem of a film. I was astounded by the darkness of the film, the pure evil that the devil's wields is just pure diabolical. The characters and actors who play them are outstanding, the music (albeit a new score) is perfect and even the effects are quite astounding for it's time, 1926 the effects may be cheesy by today's standards, heck even by 1950's standards, it's just phenomenal!
The devil looks down upon the Earth after making a 'deal' with 'god'

I won't give away the lot and film, just a brief synopsis. The film starts out with apocalyptic riders (the 'four' horsemen, albeit I can only ever make out three), then transitions to 'Mephisto' and an unnamed archangel making a bet that the devil cannot corrupt a righteous man's soul.

We next find a city infested with the black plague and Faust, an alchemist is trying to make a cure and is failing horribly, so, in a last ditch attempt, he makes a pact with the devil. He conjures a demon and then begins his downfall.... 

Aside from the fact the 'Four Horsemen of the apocalypse' are only three, it's the first cool effect in the film, one of many awesome effects to follow!

There's a bit of romance, a bit of violence, a bit of magic and mayhem, 'Faust' (1926) has shot it's way up to be probably in my top 10 favorite movies!

Even if you don't have a love for silent movie of old, check this out for it's sheer wickedness!

Oh yeah, I'm still working on my 'Ghost' 'Prequelle' review... I thought I could write it straight up as it came to me, but it deserves much more than that. Also, I felt I needed for some of the songs to grow on me and I'm glad I did, because there's a couple of songs I was kinda on the fence about and they've grown to favorite tracks.
So be still my pretties, it'll get posted!

Hope ya'll had a great weekend, it was an odd weather one here at 'Canada's butthole'. 
On Friday we had record breaking temperatures, with the humidex, it reached 36C then the temperatures dropped to near freezing... Saturday was cool as was today (Sunday) and it's supposed to get to 'frost' temperatures tonight... In fucking Newfoundland, it's snowing!! With the windchill it's gonna be down around -7!! In June! -7!!! Maybe NFLD is Canada's butthole... though, butthole's aren't usually frozen..... ok.. enough butthole talk! Sheesh! Who started that anyhow??

Happy Birthday Tim Rayne! And to my Cousin Erin in Calgary!

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