Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What the Hell??

I got an email from Crackbook saying that yesterday's post "Went against their bla bla bla".... But it does not indicate in ANY way whatsoever WHAT about the post was 'wrong'.... How can I know 'not to do it again' if I don't know WHY they didn't post it????

Was it the music videos? Was it the opening statement? I don't think I even used much profanity in that one. Redonkulous... Maybe I'll just cut FB right out of the equation altogether, no doubt many of you who do read my blog will not know when I've posted new one's... But why should I be censored by FB? I didn't write anything racist, sick, perverse or disgusting...

Super freaking cold weather until Thursday, 'high' today with the windchill factored in, with these pretty strong winds from the Northeast, is like -22, in the height of the afternoon!

Tomorrow will be no better. With lows tonight down to -30 again. I was reading an article on this weather yesterday and they were saying based on future forecasting, it's looking like below normal temperatures for the rest of March... Or for March, since it's not really March yet.

I went out yesterday and got everything I'd need until Thursday, which they say will have -3 as a 'high'... And again, IF, the North wind be a blowing, that can drag a -3 down to near -10.

Here's some 'fun' Spring 'facts'!

3 Days left until Spring 

12 Days left until we switch back to Daylight Savings Time

22 Days left until "March bloom" - Whatever the fuck that means...

Stay warm my friends!


  1. I'm thinking spring will be somewhere between may- july

  2. Technically it's March 20th this year 😎🤘

    1. What would the reason why when I Google 'How many days until Spring 2019?' It's telling me March 1st ?
