Sunday, February 10, 2019

Freakin' Static

I don't even have carpeting and I get jolted routinely around the apartment. Last one, just a moment ago was in the near dark and I saw the sucker, strong one.
It's no wonder the cat is pissed off all the time, every time I touch her she gets zapped.

I dunno if we're in an official 'polar vortex' or not, but the weather's been rather ungodly since Thursday? Friday? Haven't left the house... Forecast says it's supposed to 'warm up' a bit on Tuesday, tomorrow's 'high' is forecast to be -18C *that's with the windchill factor added, -10C without - But there's a 40km/hr wind... So I'll remain in hibernation for another day.

19 Days until 'Spring'.... Think I saw the groundhog said it'd be a prolonged Winter. Days are getting longer, the Sun feels a little warmer and I can't wait for warmer times ahead.

Had a call from Tim Rayne, I guess one of the interviews he did with me, there's extremely loud cricket in the background, so he's going to do a re-shoot with me.

Not that I've signed any 'non-disclosure agreements' or anything, but I can't say, where the 'Capital Project' is these days. I'm so out of the loop. But I plan on spending some time with Tim this week, so we'll see what's shakin' and if I can reveal any AMAZINGLY awesome knowledge I have about the project. So there, lol, I'm not saying, 'See if I can reveal any horribly, depressive news', so there's that right?

Been practicing my part for the song I'm lending my vocals to. It's a small part, but I want to do a great job on it, not even a good job. Looking forward to doing this, though it's been a long time since I stretched the vocal cords, which is why I'm practicing a bit more than I might.

Then hopefully I'll be hearing from that other project soon.

Stay warm my friends!

OH, as of April 1st or something Google+ is dead. They are killing it. Gmail will still be around, I believe the photo service will remain and 'Blogger', which is it's own entity will be alright, so I don't have to worry about losing everything and having to find a new blog site. BUT, even now changes are happening.
Before when I published my blogs, a pop up would appear allowing me to share it on my Google+ account and choose who got it and stuff... That doesn't happen anymore. So, the only place I'm 'sharing' this, is it is posted to FB (without me actually having to go there) and of course published here. I used to have it published to my Twitter account, but they stopped that and I just haven't really ever cared too greatly about Twitter, so never did it manually... Well I think I may have done a couple here and there.

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