Monday, February 18, 2019

Unpacking... The Latest Package...

YES! Got my personally autographed copy of 'The Book of Man'!

It's been pretty damn cold again, not polar vortex cold, well... It was like -22 or something wicked last night... We got another couple days of brutality... Then some milder temperatures again, for a bit..

ONLY 11 more days until Spring!! But... remember my flood videos from last Spring? I'm hearing from people who were listening to the CBC the other day that this Spring's flooding could equal or exceed last years... Which is not good news for those on the flood plain... Now not that i don't have sympathy for those folks.. Some people have properties that have been in the family for a century or more... But... I mean, if you're living in the flood plain,, what can be done? How much help can the World give you if you and your family remain in a dangerous area.... And what about the developers and real estate people selling brand new lots along the river? This should be illegal... Or I guess maybe it's just a huge insurance racket... Places get flooded, loads of people make money. while loads of other people's lives are fucked over....

All remains to be seen, but it ain't looking good. I haven't seen the snowfall amounts for this year thus far, but like I said, it's sounding like we got a lot more than last year and up North again, they got probably double what we got and all that water is gonna head this way....

'Something wicked this way comes.....'

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