Sunday, February 24, 2019

'Jerkface' The Wonder Squirrel Returns! & The Snow Storm That Wasn't

Yes, that damn tree rat, the one who tries to impress me by walking like a huemahn, returned this morning... Although I'm pretty sure he's been around on my front steps previous to our encounter this morning.....

I had a dream this morning that I was stabbing cats with a knife.... I had spent most of the day and evening watching documentaries on Norwegian Black Metal and I had watched 'Lords of Chaos' the night before and in that movie, members of the Norwegian Black Metal pioneers, 'Mayhem' were chasing cats to shoot them... So I dunno if that's where the 'cat stabbings' entered into my subconscious.

I have never and would never harm a feline. Cats are highly intelligent and wondrous creatures... Let's put it this way, I'd never harm any animal, well except maybe IF I had to hunt on my own for survival, but even then, I'd not harm cats or dogs.

Ok, so, the 'snow storm', yeah the one with up to 30cm of snow? Well it was 'forecast' to begin around Noon, no snow, then around 1PM, no snow.. Then 2PM.. flurries... The wind has picked up a bit, but only intermittent flurries thus far... Which is great, because we really don't need anymore snow...

Weather warnings remain in place..... Who knows how much it'll snows......

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