Saturday, February 2, 2019

THE Two Most Important Books You Can Ever Read! AND Don't Drink Your Pee! NO!

I don't like 'fiction' books... It's a very, very narrow minded view I have and I know it's absurd to most but it's how I feel. I don't want to read someone else's fantasies. I did that when I was a kid and have no desire at all to do it well, even since I reached adulthood and 'fictional' stories just don't do it for me. I was a very picky Fiction reader when I was young. I did read a lot of different books, but only ever got 'into' two authors: H.P. Lovecraft and Clive Barker.

With all that being said, out of all the books I've read in the last decade or so, Graham Hancock's 'Fingerprints of the Gods' (1995) and it's followup 'Magicians Of the Gods' (2015) are THE two books I'd recommend anyone read if they want to step outside the world of other people's fantasies and read some absolutely flooring ideas on the beginnings of civilization.

Graham Hancock is a British writer and journalist. Hancock specializes in investigations involving ancient civilizations, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths, and astronomical or astrological data from the past.

One theme of his works proposes a connection with a 'mother culture' from which he believes other ancient civilizations sprang.
He's 'dubbed by the mainstream archaeologists and historians as pseudoarchaeologist and having "pseudoscientific theories".

Graham Hancock had a major victory in the last 6-8 months in that his theory (not just 'his') that an asteroid fragmented and hit the North American ice sheet, as well as ice sheets across the northern parts of the globe, causing massive melting of these ice sheets and glaciers, and this massive flooding from the melted ice sheets, debris and ice water blasted into the sky is what caused the end of the pre-flood civilizations.
This disaster Hancock claims is what gave rise to the ancient flood myths and ancient epic disaster myths of the ancient world, which have been put down for years by mainstream historians and archaeologists because there was NO proof of this happening... Even though evidence in the Earth, as in mat layers, microspherules, nano diamonds, all kinds of "evidence" was there, just no crater, until, as I said a couple of months ago, a study of the Greenland ice sheet, showed a massive crater beneath it, that would date back to the time when the Younger Drias began some 11,500 years ago. Precisely what Hancock's investigations have been telling us for years! The "proof" has now been found!

While it doesn't back up EVERYTHING Graham speaks about, this meteor that hit, caused a lot of damage and sea levels to rise... In all kinds of spots across the planet they've been finding ancient cities that USED to be above water and all seem to have disappeared around the time this meteor smote the Earth!
Gobekli Tepe is another 'piece of evidence' for Graham and other's in his field. As for years Graham Hancock, Robert Schoch, Robert Bauval, Andrea Collins, Randall Carlson and many others have been saying there were ancient advanced civilizations that were wiped out by an ancient global disaster and the 'mainstream' archaeologists always barked back, "where's the evidence of this ancient culture??"... And then Gobekli Tepe was uncovered...

Hancock's books are eye-opening, mind expanding, thrilling investigative journals.
And again, I highly, HIGHLY recommend either two of these books:

As Graham Hancock says, "Mankind, is starting to awake from it's global amnesia...

And something super exciting happened the other day, Graham Hancock Tweeted a post I made to a link of one of his videos on a conspiracy forum I frequent. Check it out!

Shivambu! No, I didn't just hex you, that word, is an ancient Indian (India) word for... PEE, Urine, piss, wee-wee, whiz!

The YouTube 'rabbithole' I've fallen down lately is YouTubers that debunk crazy naturopathic regimes, "cures", "remedies"... and so on. SOME of these crazy 'cures' are downright ... crazy and others downright dangerous!

DON'T DRINK YOUR PEE!!!! Or put it in your bum, va-jay-jay, or your ears, eyes, nose, or mouth or hair ... Don't do what this guy says! I mean, I guess you can if you really want to, but I ain't gonna hang out with you if you smell like fucking pee...

'Brother Sage' here? Yeah he's a "health guru".... Lookit him, he's gonna fall over from death any day now!!

To watch a hilarious video of 'Brother Sage' (the pee-enthusiast in the video above) Check out Jeff Holiday's YouTube Channel as he 'debunks' Brother Sage's sagely advice....

I've been laughing my ass off all week as I've coped with the mid Winter blues... yeah, I've been a bit depressed lately... Just fuckin hate these Winters... But hopefully I can work on getting out of here for a month or two each Winter, we'll see...

Anyhow,  Check out Jeff Holiday's other videos as he debunks everything from quack cures to ridiculous 'faiths' and 'cults'.

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