Sunday, February 3, 2019

'I'm So Excited!'


YES! The 'Polar Vortex' of DEATH! is over! Near a week of agreeable temperatures! W00T!
(For my US friends, those temps are all around the freezing level)

26 Days until Spring! I'm glad that there's a break in the ridiculously cold weather, I was startin' to get a little loopy.

I should take some pix tomorrow. As I was coming back from the mall on Saturday afternoon, I couldn't help but notice that ginormous blocks of snow ice and boulders, the size of them is quite impressive. The Winter, like last has been a cycle of snow, rain, ice warm temps, then plummeting freezing temps and it's made crusty snow that in some cases looks about a foot thick. It's really unreal. I haven't seen anything like that.

Should have something from coming this week. Hilarious tracking. I thought, based on's amazingly inaccurate tracking, that this item would have been here some time last week. Then on Friday night I checked the tracking on my last two items and all of a sudden, instead of 'landing in Richmond BC' not this last Friday but the one before that (and thus I thought it'd be here last week sometime), now the updated tracking said my item had just landed in Winnipeg and was NOW on it's way... Checking lol Canada Post, it's estimated arrival date was January 28th... Now the 3rd lol... doesn't make it dull.. No wonder all those annoying ads have people acting so wacky over the arrival of their items from Wish.... They went crazy trying to track them!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Everyone like that 'Don't drink your pee' video?

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