Friday, March 2, 2018

YOU, Can See The Second Brightest Nighttime Object Tomorrow Morning!

Yes! YOU, right here in Fredericton, New Brunswick |Canada! YOU! will be able to view the 'Humanity Star'!

...... So what the HELL am I blathering on about?

Well the 'Humanity Star'!

What do you mean you don't know what the 'Humanity Star' is??

"Visible with the naked eye, the Humanity Star is a highly reflective satellite that blinks brightly across the night sky to create a shared experience for everyone on the planet.

Created by Rocket Lab founder and CEO Peter Beck, the Humanity Star is a geodesic sphere made from carbon fibre with 76 highly reflective panels. It spins rapidly, reflecting the sun’s rays back to Earth, creating a flashing light that can be seen against a backdrop of stars.

Orbiting the Earth every 90 minutes and visible from anywhere on the globe, the Humanity Star is designed to be a bright symbol and reminder to all on Earth about our fragile place in the universe."

Was easier to steal that from their site than type it all out, but it's like the second brightest object in the nighttime sky next to the Moon!

I had heard it launched not too long ago and was certainly interested as I love to stare up at the nighttime sky and look for satellites or shooting stars. Light pollution in Fredericton isn't toooo bad and I'll wait until April sometime to break out the satellite...

So on the site for the 'Humanity Star', they have a 'tracker' and it'll tell you when that sucker will be overhead for ya to see! I mean, it's a big shinny 'thing', it's got no real purpose other than it being bright and the maker's wish to "Unite humanity" around a similar ... erm thing.... It's gonna come screaming back through the atmosphere in a year or so. It's kinda cool, it does have some purpose...

Again," refering to the site, geodesic sphere is made from carbon fibre with 76 highly reflective panels. The sphere spins rapidly, briefly reflecting the sun’s light back to Earth to create a fleeting moment of light."

SO! Tomorrow morning, that's, Saturday, March 3rd at 6:10AM, get outside! Look up in the dawn sky to the NORTH - EAST and you'll see a bright object, now I haven't seen this, but when you see a satellite, it's not blinking and compared to a airplane, obviously, more often than not, you can see the running light's on an airplane, weather flashing or colored. This object will be solid silver and should be moving at a good clip. Faster than a airplane, but it won't look like a shooting star speed.

So remember, tomorrow morning at 6:10AM Atlantic time zone!! And only in Fredericton!

If you go to the 'Humanity Star' website and click on the 'Track' tab | tonight and if you're signed up to Google+ or WIndows Outlook, you can add it to your 'calendar' and it'll send you a warning 4 minutes ahead, which, if you're in bed, that probably won't be enough time to wake up, punch the cat, throw some clothes on and get out side. So that's why I suggest '6:10AM', that'll give ya enough time if ya don't doddle and get out to see something pretty cool and it's something once you check out the tracker, it'll tell you when it's coming next and it'll keep on telling ya 'til it comes crashing home. So you can impress friends, kids, potential girlfriends or boyfriends! You could propose to the one you love as this flashy geodesic satellite zips by overhead!

Check it out! It's FREE!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Google calendar neglected to tell me to get up, but it didn't quite matter anyhow as it was too overcast this morning.
    For someone who is pretty up to date with the weather I should have noticed that.
    No big deal, there should be plenty more opportunities to see the 'Humanity Star' pass overhead.
