Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Here Comes The Sun

I was just kinda shocked by how much snow has disappeared in the last week since I came back from Cuba.

Yesterday while running some errands, I took a couple of photo's at the Sobeys parking lot for 2 reasons, 1. to show how high the snowbanks are and 2. to show how much dirt and crud we get to look at during Spring. Where snow and snowbanks are no longer a pleasant looking white, but turn to black, tar like mountains of mud, dirt and whatever else is in there.

And then this morning I noticed that my neighbors box gardens were almost free of their snow tombs.

Also this morning I saw my first chipmunk scampering around on the snow. So, since Spring is springing, how about some music.
Two of my favorite Spring Metal tunes:

Ghost - Here Comes The Sun - Yes, a cover of the Beatles classic, which, personally, I like this cover way better than the original.....

And Metallica's 'Lord's Of Summer' - RE-DONK-U-LOUS!!! Grrr that stupid 'Insert A Video' *cough* feature, thwarts me once again!
Think I could get 'Lords Of Summer' to come up??? NOOOOOO... Stupid idiot videos of people covering the song, bunch of "live" shaky videos of it, but not even searching just 'Metallica' would bring it up, every OTHER Metallica song was there, even "Official" Metallica videos, but 'Lords of Summer' wouldn't surface... Stupid fucking 'feature'... So here's the link to it....

Crank it! Summer is coming!

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