Sunday, March 25, 2018


My good friend Nancy and her friend Emma and I went down to the Capital last night to see Pat Pelletier's band 'Moment of Inertia' play last night. It had been a long time since I saw the guys play and actually, it just dawned on me that the last time I saw them was when both The Wasteland Zombies and Moment of Inertia played at the taping for the Capital project. That was just a 3 songs set though. The guys played some new originals last night and they kicked ass, they also did some awesome covers, including Rush' 'Tom Sawyer', Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' and it was an amazing version of it, one that I'd never heard done like it before and also, Midnight Oil's 'Beds Are Burning', which they did an absolute killer job of remaking it.

Only caught a couple of Diablo Strange tunes, but they were as awesome as ever. Wasn't packed wall to wall, but it was a decent turnout. I noticed that inside the Capital and outside as well that there were no posters for the show and there was an event after that I didn't see any posters for that either.

'Back in the day', with either the Wasteland Zombies or Dreamkick, we did ALL our of our promo for gigs, albeit, the clubs around town and in other cities were much more open to live music and Rock and Metal band's, alcohol was cheaper and the bars used to be jam packed every Thursday to Saturday night. Some of the clubs did advertise shows in the newspapers, but given the times we live in, it's probably not money well spent for clubs anymore, unless maybe it's some major band coming through town.
The Capital generally advertises on their FB page, as well as on their website. In the under a week that I've been back from Cuba and had made a few trips downtown, I didn't see one poster for the show this weekend, nor the show after Moment played... I had offered more than a few times, when I was FB, to poster for bands, but not one band EVER took me up on that offer.
In this day and age, everyone, for whatever ridiculous reason, feels that promoting your gig on FB and Twitter is the best and only place you need to advertise, personally, I think this is 100% bullshit.

Band's should be trying in every conceivable way to get the message out of when and where they are playing, not doing so, you get what you deserve, little to no audience and I'll say now, I don't believe this was the case for last night's show as they had a decent crowd for the Capital.

Doing shows in an original band or otherwise (cover band) is very hard today and not just here in New Brunswick, but from what I hear, right across Canada, so I'd assume it's the same in the US, mind you and I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think the American's liquor prices are not quite as steep as ours.
My Brother Gordy's friend William, who plays in a Rock band in Cuba playing covers at resorts was stunned to hear that they actually make more money than bands up here do. In fact, he couldn't believe it at all. But it's true. So, bands in a 'Communist' country, makes more money than we do in an open and free society... That's just crazy. <End of Rant.>

(WARNING: Lots of talk about vomiting below)

So yesterday in the afternoon, I started to feel a bit queasy. It's not often that I get a stomach flu or vomit. In fact the last time I threw up was probably years ago when I was taking Methotrexate, that used to make me vomit several times a day. Sometimes rather spontaneously... My buddy Jay and I were at a Futureshop in Richmond one day and as he's talking to the sales rep, it just comes over me, waves of nausea, I knew there was a bathroom and made my way to it as quickly as I could, I opened the door to the washroom and had just put my hand to my mouth when it exploded... Now, I am sorry for this, but there's no way I could have cleaned up that mess and having worked in the custodial industry in my youth, I'd seen MANY a times people did what I did, but way worse.

Anyhow, I made it to Sobeys to pick up some items and home, but was still feeling a bit 'off', managed to eat and then started to get ready to go out for the evening to see Moment of Inertia. During this time, my back started to really, really get bad. I was in a lot of pain up until I left, then the pain seemed to subside.
At the club, I did stand up, mostly leaning against a support column that is not too far from the riser in the Capital, I'd call it a 'stage', but that ain't no stage lol...
After a while, leaning up against that column was doing very little to help and so I ended up going to sit down.
My shoulder and back continued to bug me until I got home and then it got real bad. I've mentioned I usually have to play with Elsa before i go to bed and last night, I took my chances. I did my nightly routine and then got into bed. I was so messed up in pain and feeling queasy, that I put on the shirt I wear to bed, backwards and inside out. Waking up this morning with the shirts tag under my chin.

I've been aching for a massage for my back for months now. I mentioned my back issues to my doctor last time I was in and this was when she said, "Well sounds like you should go back on Methotrexate" - But I do not think there's a correlation between my back issues and my arthritis, although, it might be possible that where I broke my ribs years ago is being effected by the arthritis.. Last time I saw my doc, she said she was going to order X-Rays for me, but I've yet to receive an appointment yet.

Just hoping I didn't pick up some kind of bug from Cuba, albeit, this yucky tummy feeling didn't start until Saturday, some 4 days after I got back.

Here's hoping that this feeling goes away, sooner than later.

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