Saturday, March 10, 2018

Crazy Day... Updated

[Update: Just a note to you my friends, please free to comment on any of my blog posts, there's a 'Comment' section there to do just that, even if it's just to say "Hi!" or "Holy crap your posts suck!"]

So we've had a couple of snow storms, though this last one, really didn't hit us that hard. The one before this, I think started Wednesday/Thursday night, it wasn't tooo bad, we've had worse. Had some high winds for a few days and they remained through the storm, but luckily the snow was pretty wet and heavy, so that led to minimal blowing snow.
Today, it was snowing lightly when I set out to run some errands.. Or I guess, hobble for some errands, I don't really 'run' anywhere.
By the time I reached York St., it was an all out blizzard, it was snowing and blowing so hard that I couldn't even keep my head up. I'd look up and the snow would sting my eyes. I had to even stop and pack away my headphones and pull my hood up.
By the time I reached Kings Place it had pretty much stopped snowing and the Sun had almost popped out. The temperature had climbed a bit and I had to take my toque off as well as my gloves.

When I left Kings Place, it was cold again, toque back on, gloves on and by the time I got to Sobeys it was almost blizzard conditions again.
When I left Sobeys, it was lightly snowing, THEN, when I got to the trail that runs behind Harvey's and heading to my place it was snowing so crazy that I couldn't see too far down the trail, then by the time I had reached the cut off up to Beaverbrook, it had almost stopped snow again!

Crazy weather! But, awesome weather is ahead.....

Clock's go forward tonight! Well, tomorrow morning rather. Awesome sign that Spring is coming quickly at us.
Some people 'my age' and older, say that time just whizzes by, and it does. I've found the good possible trade off to this is, is that it makes Winter go back faster, but the drawback is that Summer also just zooms by.
I get the feeling that Daylight Savings Time and this whole moving the clock forward and back business is maybe coming to an end. Studies are showing, one of the main reasons for this change is that it saves energy, but it appears to not be so. According to a CBC article, the whole idea behind this was first brought up by a dude who wanted more daylight to watch bugs (way back in the 1800's)...
Doesn't seem to be much point to DST anymore and more and more provinces, states and countries are calling to an end of it. I don't think I'd care if it was gone.

I was reading an article on CBC today about how with the legalization of marijuana coming, that there's still way too many questions that haven't been answered by Canadian scientists. Because pot was illegal for years, it meant that even scientists couldn't do studies on it (though I sense a bit of a lie in that notion, I'm pretty sure that if the government scientists had really wanted to, they could).
So, reading this article, it's very annoying to see a guy who's supposed to be the main dude studying marijuana and saying that we don't know the long term effects of the addiction part of marijuana consumption, this shows me that this idiot is the 'old guard', those who had seen 'Reefer Madness' and took it as law and proof that pot is an evil and bad as heroin or fentanyl. The guy talks about marijuana being "addictive" and that there's nothing for helping people on it like the chemicals they have for opiate addicts (Methodone)... THIS is ludicrous and archaic thinking, IF, marijuana is addictive, then it's only psychosomatic.
In 2010, when I went to Egypt for nearly two weeks, I 'quit' smoking pot (and I usually smoked up several times a day, like maybe up to 7-8 times throughout a day) and I stopped, I had to, obviously I couldn't take weed with me to Egypt and I certainly would NEVER dream of searching out an 'illicit' drug in any country I do not live in (although near the end of my trip, while buying a wooden Egyptian pipe, I was offered pot, but I declined and lied to the guy saying I was just buying the pipe as a 'present' for a friend).
So, I went 'cold turkey' for my trip and by the end of it, I wasn't croaking for a toke. During the trip I had no withdrawal symptoms, so sweats, no jitters, no restless legs, no vomiting, no trouble sleeping, no paranoia, nothing. And I've gone without smoking up at length before with no ill effects. The notion that pot is anywhere even CLOSE to addictive as any opiate or even fucking alcohol, which can have extreme effects on a person who's quit and I would stake my own very life on the fact that there is NOTHING physically addictive about marijuana, it's ALL in the mind, if even there.
So yeah, it's perplexing to think that these kinds of people are the ones making decisions for Canadians. But what can we do? What do we know? We're just the one's who have consumed it, have watched it's potency grow, some of us have grown it to perfection, a science (not me, just saying there are those that have). Would they even bother to listen to us? No, we're just potheads.

And now! A truly shocking video! This may stun some of you, but it's real, no CGI here, no weird audio editing.
A video of Elsa being 'cute'.....

Just an end note about this video. Elsa is a quiet cat, at least quiet compared to my last kitty 'Piggie Sue'.
Elsa rarely makes a peep. Sometime's when she's hungry, I'll get her wet food from the fridge and ask her, 'Elsa, are you hungry? Do you want some food?' and she'll respond with a curt 'meow' and other times, when I've been away from home for a trip and I return she can be vocal for about the first hour or so, more than likely these vocalizations are, "Where the FUCK have you been??? You've left Brad in charge and I made him bleed on the counter!!!".
So, what I've caught on video, isn't quite the best example of it. Usually she's been sleeping longer and the noise she makes is more like the one at the tail end of the video.

[Update: Just a note to you my friends, please free to comment on any of my blog posts, there's a 'Comment' section there to do just that, even if it's just to say "Hi!" or "Holy crap your posts suck!"]

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