Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Post Cuba Trip Pt. I

So, as I guessed, the 'house fix-it guy' showed up after 9, but my neighbor told him I wasn't available until after 10am.
My neighbors are having an oven vent installed in their apartment and to do the ventilation, because of this 'fucked up' house we live in, fix it guy, has to drill a hole through their kitchen wall, through my bathroom, run a pipe from there, across my bathroom ceiling and through an exterior wall....

Poor Elsa, had barely seen me and then, because she just can't be around a stranger going in and out all day, with the bathroom door open all day, because, well, she'll fuck with him... Something bad WILL happen. SO, I had to get up, lock her in the spare room in the basement all day (with food, water and litter). Fix It guy, will be back tomorrow or the next day, as tomorrow we're supposed to get hit by another Nor'Easter (What they call East Coast blizzards/Big storms).

Elsa I know has been stressed as with most cats they tend to shed their fur like mad. This morning before being locked away I was petting her and just fur was a flyin'. So I got Alita's old steel brush, which is Elsa's favorite massage, and brushed Elsa 4 times throughout the day and was still pulling huge amounts of hair outa her. Poor thing, at least tonight she'll have me here all night to snuggle.

Got the trip pix up on Google+ (Fuck facebook - and that being said by me long before the current bullshit going down) I did write a trip diary, especially with the 'incident' going down, which I'll write about later. I have to finish and edit the diary a bit. I mean who wants to write in the diary when the Sun is blasting heat, the beach is calling and it's just too beautiful out to be writing about laying on the beach all day!

Here's a link to the Google + album:

I'm gonna upload vids after dinner.

Photo by C.Waddell. March 2018

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