Tuesday, March 13, 2018

As If You Didn't Know

Major snowstorm on it's way (or so they say), winds forecast upwards of 70-80km/hr!

So if you got a generator, charge that sucker up! If you need anything, groceries, water, whatever, best get it now!

Snow is supposed to start at around 3pm this afternoon and according to the Weather Network, it's supposed to snow right until 8PM Wednesday night.

EVERY home should have an emergency kit for you and your family! This kit should have supplies to last you over 4-5 days (Tropical storm 'Arthur' should have taught you this).
And when I say an 'Emergency kit', I don't just mean band-aids and gauze. I'm talking about water for you and your family, food, money, blankets, hot pockets (the one's you put in your gloves or pockets, not the pizza things). Extra Winter gear, anything and everything you can think of that you might need if the power has gone out for days.
Flashlights, batteries, emergency radio...

I've had a kit since I lived in Vancouver and it was recommended to have one in case of the 'big one' - the massive earthquake that's expected to happen sometime in the next millions years, but could happen... now.... or... now... or in an hour....

I dunno why I'm such a preparedness nut, I guess having been in Cub Scouts mighta been part of that, always be prepared.

When I went to Egypt, I had taken an emergency kit with me, that came into use twice on that trip.

When we were in Alexandria, I was sitting talking with our guide and our Man In Black security guard (with his automatic rifle)... As we were sitting, one of the elderly ladies and her daughter were walking across the street in front of us, when all of a sudden, this elderly woman did a face planet. Her toe had caught in a hole in the sidewalk and she went right over, smashing her face into the sidewalk. First thing I thought of was my med kit, so I got up and hobbled as quickly as I could to the tour bus and once i got to the bottom of the stairs, I started to yell, 'get me my backpack!!', one of the women in our group was at the back of the bus, and said, "Why?" and I just yelled, 'Don't ask why, just toss me it now!!', so she did and I hobbled back towards where the lady had fallen, another person in our tour had caught up to me, so i got out my med kit and said, 'Please run that down to them'... Luckily, the lady was 'alright', she had to have some emergency dental work done (probably scary in Egypt'.
The other instance was in Cairo at the Sphinx temple and an elderly man in our group collapsed from the heat.
So it's good to have a kit handy and to be prepared!

Now, don't sit here reading this! Go get ready for the storm!!

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