Monday, February 19, 2018

Yay! Family Day!

So, New Brunswick had it's first 'new' holiday today, 'Family Day'! If I'm correct, I think almost every province has one of these now. I found it curious that it was like mid-month. Not sure how or why they picked this day for it, but, well it don't matter to me much either way, well aside from stores being closed, but like with storms I was prepared and went out and got anything I needed yesterday. Albeit, stores can be open if they want I believe, but government, major retailers like Sobey's Walmart (I think) and banks were all closed.
I was watching Ralph Bakshi's 'Wizards' last night. I thought I had seen it before, but a lot of it didn't look very familiar. Fields and I might have watched it back in the day, but I was probably smoked up on weed and drinking beer, so that could be why the movie recollection was hazy at best. I didn't really like it. It almost seemed like it was rushed or half put together. I know Bakshi's style is different from a lot of other animators, but yeah, this one just didn't really do anything for me.

Today was a lazy day, it's the cat's fault, it is. Every time I went to get up, she'd open her eyes from beside me, and then yawn and then she'd purr and I'd wake up again some time later.... Dang cat, she's a evil kitty!

I don't like to get involved with many TV series these days, despite having a lot of time on my hands, I just don't want to 'escape' into a plethora of fantasy shows.
That being said, I am watching the 'Waco' series. I remember all of it going down really well from the newspaper reports and all the coverage on television at the time. It was a crazy time and another one of those moments in America when they had started to wake up and see that the government was maybe taking some things a little too far... I've found the series so far, seems to take in account both sides of the story. I've seen some documentaries on what happened and it's a convoluted messed up story to be sure.
I was surprised to see John Leguizamo as part of the cast, as well as the dude who played General Zod in the 'Man Of Steel' movie. Great actor.
Also caught the 3 10-minute episodes of 'Stargate Origins' - I didn't realize it was a webseries when I started it, nor did I realize the 'episodes' were 10 minutes long hhehe. Maybe they are pitching it as a pilot. It's not done too bad. I didn't get much into the Stargate universe series that they had, though I did watch most of the SG-Universe show/series.
I think an 'origin' series on the whole storyline would be pretty cool.

We got some warm wet weather coming our way, this is good and bad.
Good, because it's gonna be warm and not -30 and Bad, because it'll no doubt beat me around quite a bit. I can feel the pain in my shoulders and back creeping in already. Some snow tonight and possibly freezing rain tomorrow night.... 

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